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Vaccine roll-out: the logistics

My 83 yo mum got the call this morning so I'm taking her at half 7 this evening. I'm thinking with it being late I might ask them if they're closing up soon and if they have any slops left over for me.

suspect it’s very possible to get a jab this way
I see that, as before with testing ('tests carried out' -> 'tests offered') the death secretary and Zahawi have started shuffling the goalposts from vaccinations to 'vaccinations offered'. As if that will magically help solve the pandemic.
Vaccine logistics today included Hancock turning up at a GPs surgery for a 'watch the Oxford vaccine being administered' photo opportunity, but supplies of the vaccine were delayed. Perfect.

That story is covered for about 15 seconds from about 1 min 30 seconds stage of this video:

As mentioned previously, I volunteered to be a marshall, along with about 1500 others, so wasn't expecting to hear back.

Today I got an email saying that, despite no-one having been trained yet, a clinic needs help for 3 days starting on Sunday and can we please call a number and put our names down.

Things are moving, which is good.
Regarding the 5 shots vs 6 in a vial. There are two considerations that need to be made. Firstly the fill weight accuracy of the filling equipment and secondly the assurance that 5 doses will always be available. This also ties in with weights & measures legislation. There may be some left after 5 shots are given but there might not be. The 5 shots must be assured and trust me pharma companies don't want to give any extra if they can help it as it affects batch yield. Its just a process capability issue.

I've not been following the whole 5 or 6 shots thing properly but I just bumped into this news and remembered the subject had come up in this thread.

German health ministry spokesman Hanno Kautz said the practice, which is already permitted in the UK, would come into effect immediately, boosting available doses of the vaccine by 20%.
It’s worth pointing out the flu vaccine is given to 15 million people in about 8 weeks.
No fanfare, no Boris press conference or dumb photo ops, no army required.

just the NHS doing its thing.

He’s only bringing in the army to deflect from the truly shocking job he’s done.
Absolutely, but I draw comfort from the Army dealing with the logistics, rather than it being farmed out to "private enterprise".
My GPs surgery has a big red banner across its web page almost literally saying...Fuck off we dont know anything about this Vaccine delivery thing dont fucking phone us.
Hopefully guarding the supply chain. The stuff is like gold dust so probably very nickable.

When everyone is going to get the vaccine free, I'm not sure why someone would trust someone dodgy who had got some "off the back of a lorry" and was charging for it.
mum-tat has got her appointment for next week, but is a bit concerned having seen this


Giving out appointments & then leaving people to wait in the cold for 3 hours is crazy, that's one fucking useless GP surgery. :mad:
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