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Vaccine roll-out: the logistics

Basically, I think the transition to having different numbers of partially and wholly vaccinated people is going to throw up its own set of problems, quandaries and issues for everyone.

Yeah I agree. I've been a bit perturbed by the number of people that seem to think having the vaccine will mean they'll be able to drop social distancing etc. straight away, or at least behave differently. I think it's a bit of wishful thinking, a bit not understanding the science around infection and vaccination, and a bit of the messaging which has gone on about vaccines being our 'route back to normality'.

Hopefully the plan to have all adults vaccinated by the end of the summer will reduce the time this can be a big issue.
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Yeah I agree. I've been a bit perturbed by the number of people that seem to think having the vaccine will mean they'll be able to drop social distancing etc. straight away, or at least behave differently. I think it's a bit of wishful thinking, a bit not understanding the science around infection and vaccination, and a bit of the messaging which has gone on about vaccines being our 'route back to normality'.

Hopefully the plan to have all adults vaccinated by the end of the summer will reduce the time this can be a big issue.

Plus if people put all their future hopes in in vaccinations then they may be setting themselves up to have all their hope crushed at some point.

In regards to people letting their guard down prematurely, I was getting ready to groan horribly about aspects of the following story, although when I read the detail the picture was more complicated as it involved not just vaccination, but also infection. All the same, I'm still more than tempted to put it in the category of premature relaxation:

Basically, I think the transition to having different numbers of partially and wholly vaccinated people is going to throw up its own set of problems, quandaries and issues for everyone.
I think there really needs to be (but probably won't be, given communication difficiencies of this government) a major comms push to explain to the general public what vaccination means in terms of how we interact with one another until everyone is vaccinated/the virus is better controlled.
I think there really needs to be (but probably won't be, given communication difficiencies of this government) a major comms push to explain to the general public what vaccination means in terms of how we interact with one another until everyone is vaccinated/the virus is better controlled.

TBH I think they have actually been very good with that so far. A public health campaign around it would be better, and is needed, but I've heard loads of them saying you still need to behave the same when you've had the vaccine, and we can't just stop all the other measures, etc.

I do think some of the 'route back to normality' stuff has confused people though, it's become individualized as their route 'back to normality' after their own jab, rather than the collective route 'back to normality' once millions of people have been done.
So would I, if I was confident it didn't slow down someone more needy than I getting their shot.

It really would depend on where the bottleneck in getting people vaccinated was. If it was simply the rate that you can get people in and out of vaccination centres then 24 hour systems would seem like a good plan.

If the bottleneck is the production/distribution of the vaccine itself, then that's different.
Where is he going to conjure up the staff to do that, did he say?

suspect this is more that they want to do them 18 hours a day, rather than actually 24x7.

If all the comms are about 24x7 people are going to be well pleased with their 0600 or 2230 appointment, rather than the opposite
They don't need the vaccination centres open 24 hours, they need to speed-up the roll-out to pharmacies, they are trained & experienced in giving vaccinations, and are far more convenient for most people.

Hancock has said it going to be rolled-out to 200 this week, but there's 11,000 available, if they only did 30 jabs a day, six days a week, that's 1,980,00 jabs a week.
There's a bit of an outline of the basic logistics here

According to that, the shortage of vials is not a problem that affects the UK.

One challenge facing pharmaceutical companies globally has been a shortage of glass vials for the "fill and finish" stage of manufacture - when a vaccine is packaged for despatch. Although, unlike elsewhere, the UK is thought currently to have enough of this glassware in storage.
No luck on the vaccination marshalling, but there has been a call out to NHS workers (my lodger works for them in an admin role) to just turn up at the clinic and get jabbed.

I have no idea how the 'just show up' methodology is going to work out, I hope they maange to get lots done.
Yeah I agree. I've been a bit perturbed by the number of people that seem to think having the vaccine will mean they'll be able to drop social distancing etc. straight away, or at least behave differently. I think it's a bit of wishful thinking, a bit not understanding the science around infection and vaccination, and a bit of the messaging which has gone on about vaccines being our 'route back to normality'.

Hopefully the plan to have all adults vaccinated by the end of the summer will reduce the time this can be a big issue.

I suppose I was vaguely hoping that when you got the jab someone would explain to you that you're not immune straight away and you can potentially still spread the virus so there's no call to go acting like a dickhead.
They don't need the vaccination centres open 24 hours, they need to speed-up the roll-out to pharmacies, they are trained & experienced in giving vaccinations, and are far more convenient for most people.

Hancock has said it going to be rolled-out to 200 this week, but there's 11,000 available, if they only did 30 jabs a day, six days a week, that's 1,980,00 jabs a week.
Absolutely this. Makes all the difference for lots of people. My mum can walk down to the pharmacy. She would have to arrange a taxi to take her to the GP.

They can only do the Oxford one, of course, so the roll out is limited by the supply of that vaccine.
My 83 yo mum got the call this morning so I'm taking her at half 7 this evening. I'm thinking with it being late I might ask them if they're closing up soon and if they have any slops left over for me.

I know 2 people who've been vaccinated while accompanying an elderly relative on appointments towards the end of the day. Always gonna be leftovers from no shows.
I know 2 people who've been vaccinated while accompanying an elderly relative on appointments towards the end of the day. Always gonna be leftovers from no shows.
I almost got mine done but sadly there was none left. I don't think it's no shows, I think it's down to how many doses in the vial, and them not wanting to open a fresh one if they can avoid it.
I almost got mine done but sadly there was none left. I don't think it's no shows, I think it's down to how many doses in the vial, and them not wanting to open a fresh one if they can avoid it.

One of the people I know said she was told it was down to no shows. No idea how it's being administered tbh but I imagine there'll be some overstocking.
Poached from the other thread

Emergency services quickly mobilized, establishing resources like gullies to protect the warehouse, Mark Pritchard, leader of Wrexham County Borough, said.

Not sure exactly what that means in real world terms.
Poached from the other thread

Not sure exactly what that means in real world terms.
Sounds like it means digging a ditch.
I know 2 people who've been vaccinated while accompanying an elderly relative on appointments towards the end of the day. Always gonna be leftovers from no shows.
Similarly stories down here. 50 somethings delivering elderly relatives to vacination centres getting done. Fair enough, I think. Just don't announce it, or oldies'll get kidnapped on the way to the doctors.
Are they doing anything to make sure they will definitely have doses in 3 months' time for all the people who are going to be waiting for it? :hmm: That's what worries me for my parents - they're having 1st one on Monday, but from all we're hearing it's lowering their risk pretty minimally, so we'd really better hope they, and everyone like them, gets the second lot and the whole effort isn't entirely spunked away. :(
Are they doing anything to make sure they will definitely have doses in 3 months' time for all the people who are going to be waiting for it? :hmm: That's what worries me for my parents - they're having 1st one on Monday, but from all we're hearing it's lowering their risk pretty minimally, so we'd really better hope they, and everyone like them, gets the second lot and the whole effort isn't entirely spunked away. :(
Where are you hearing that it's lowering their risk only minimally?
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