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US election 2020 thread

Odd article that. Think I've heard of Molly Ball before?

Centrist coalition of the professional-managerial class & business titans saving democracy?

The clickbait title means that the deep state lot will make hay with it?
This will add fuel to the fire for the trump extremists and their beliefs that there has been a continuing deep state conspiracy against their guy from day one. Regardless of the details in the article, it will be read by the right and loon right as a corporatist/anteefa/big gov/sec apparatus/deep state meta conspiracy which they'll weaponise and use as a recruitment tool to bring the wobblers back into the fold and to suck in even more fringe and mainline anti gov types.

I have a bad feeling about this...
The post-Trump Republican war moves a step closer...


Dozens of former Republican officials who view the party as unwilling to stand up to Donald Trump and his attempts to undermine US democracy are in talks to form a centre-right breakaway party, four people involved in the discussions have said.

The early stage discussions include former elected Republicans, former officials in the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W Bush and Trump, ex-Republican ambassadors and Republican strategists, the people involved told Reuters.
More than 120 of them held a Zoom call last Friday to discuss the breakaway group, which would run on a platform of “principled conservatism”, including adherence to the constitution and the rule of law – ideas they say have been trashed by Trump.

The plan would be to run candidates in some races but also to endorse centre-right candidates in others, be they Republicans, independents or Democrats, the people involved say.
It's a nonsense headline 40% of the 140 low level former Republican functionaries and appointees plus former independent centrist presidential candidate Evan McMullin that the Guardian and other centrists have long wanted to see as the US Macron on a Zoom call said a new party might be the right way to go, however a faction might also be the right tactic...
I would be quite happy to see a split (or two) in the Republican party block.
Less so, if the Democrats were to fracture ...
"Late last month, after identifying an initial 21 state and local GOP officials at the rally — among them a QAnon conspiracy theorist, a self-described member of a far-right militia and a man who once declared that “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” — HuffPost received emails from readers across the country identifying the additional 36 officials in this new tally"

I could see there being room for a third party for a while at least - a sort of madder, Trumpy version of UKIP. They wouldn't win much electorally but they'd allow Trump to keep himself in the limelight while rinsing them for all their cash so there might be an appeal to him to go down that route if he feels he's not getting what he wants from the Republicans.
Remember Richard Barnett? The white nationalist who put his feet on Pelosi's desk? I seem to remember him giving it all the big man along the lines of 'you'll never take me alive' or some such shit about having an arsenal of weapons.

Crying like a baby now.

US Capitol defendant Richard Barnett -- man accused of putting feet on Pelosi desk - is screaming at attorneys and judge during his court hearing right now. Upset he's been locked up "for a whole month"... "it's not fair"
Remember Richard Barnett? The white nationalist who put his feet on Pelosi's desk? I seem to remember him giving it all the big man along the lines of 'you'll never take me alive' or some such shit about having an arsenal of weapons.

Crying like a baby now.

He thinks he's one of the good guys:

Remember Richard Barnett? The white nationalist who put his feet on Pelosi's desk? I seem to remember him giving it all the big man along the lines of 'you'll never take me alive' or some such shit about having an arsenal of weapons.

Crying like a baby now.

QAnon Shaman: 'I regret entering that building with every fibre of my body'

well he should have left some fibers outside then.

No need. According to the latest conspiraloon nonsense, Trump's inauguration is going to be on 3rd April.

The 4th March inauguration they've been going on about since January was a false flag apparently
No need. According to the latest conspiraloon nonsense, Trump's inauguration is going to be on 3rd April.

The 4th March inauguration they've been going on about since January was a false flag apparently
Some times, it gets so hard to tell the false flags from the real ones... :confused:
Sidney Powell Argues Her Dominion Defamation Lawsuit Be Tossed Because ‘No Reasonable Person’ Would Believe Her
Former Trump lawyer and conspiracy theorist Sidney Powell moved to dismiss a lawsuit filed against her by Dominion Voting Systems Monday, arguing her earlier claims that Dominion was involved in an orchestrated voter fraud effort were so outrageous that “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact.”
Powell’s lawyers argued her claims that Dominion worked with Democrats to rig its voting machines to ensure a win for Joe Biden were clearly her own “opinions and legal theories” and not statements that the public would immediately believe.
According to the lawyers, Dominion’s descriptions of Powell’s statements as “wild accusations” and “outlandish claims” support the idea that a reasonable person would not automatically believe her

Her claims were made as she served on former President Donald Trump’s legal team, which was tasked with challenging the results of the 2020 election in courts across the country after he lost to Biden, all of which were thrown out.
Powell’s lawyers, in documents filed in Washington, D.C., pointed to previous court rulings that state political language “is often vituperative, abusive and inexact,” and that it is a “well recognized principle that political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole.”

Wait ,,,what ? The "kraken" was a work of fiction unleashed on the unthinking ...lol
and this is her defense .?

How on earth can she retain a licence to practice after this ?

let alone get a dose of porridge , if only for the fundraising grift of the back of it.
kin hell
"Facing a cash crunch and getting badly outspent by the Democrats, the campaign had begun last September to set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election," reported Shane Goldmacher. "Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out. As the election neared, the Trump team made that disclaimer increasingly opaque, an investigation by The New York Times showed. It introduced a second prechecked box, known internally as a "money bomb," that doubled a person's contribution. Eventually its solicitations featured lines of text in bold and capital letters that overwhelmed the opt-out language."

"It felt like it was a scam," said Russell Blatt, whose brother Stacy in hospice care was "opted in" to monthly payments after making what he thought was a one-time contribution to Trump, then was confused why his utility checks started bouncing. Victor Amelio, a 78-year-old retiree in California, donated $990 in September via the Republican portal WinRed, and before he knew it the "opt in" he had never checked debited $8,000 of his money to the Trump campaign. "Bandits!" he told The Times. "I can't afford to pay all that damn money."

If any of this money wasn't refunded, it may well have gone to benefit Trump financially. A previous report in February indicated that $2.8 million in money donated to the Trump campaign was funneled into the Trump Organization to settle debts. And many supporters still haven't even accepted Trump's loss, to the consternation of even his fellow Republicans.

he doesn't miss a trick
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