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Urban v's the Commentariat

My love will also include reference to and remind me of old skool tracks that are inappropriate, that others hate, sexualised, that make me question my like of them, or it will be bullshit...
I feel with Limmy though, he's constantly opening his mind to things and willing to learn from his mistakes and apologise. You don't get that with that lot.

On some other forum they were discussing why Limmy has never really 'made it', and someone pointed out he's the exact opposite of the Oxbridge comedy types to populate the British comedy scene. I reckon there's some truth to that.

The exact opposite of the Oxbridge footlight wankers is Bernard Manning. Now there was a guy who could tell a joke. People think I'm trolling or just generally being a prick, but I really do think his career's due for a much needed re-appraisal. An hour listening to our Bernard's comedy stylings or those of, say, Dawn French? You know it makes sense.

I'm not that into that Limmy though - But he's still got more nouse in his little finger than Caitlin Moran could ever hope to have.
I understand your point but....
bamalama isn't trustworthy.
Look numb nuts just cos you repeat something,shout something incessantly doesn't make it true,my four year old understands this.Now care to qualify your earlier piece of slander...you won't because you can't,because it's a lie...
I know I've undermined my credibility by admitting to liking Bernard Manning but, that aside, I do think you're wrong about Bamalama.
Don't worry about it fl he started this craic on another thread yesterday/earlier this morning..i'm not sure what his problem is(i think it's a he),but i suspect he either lives in canada or he likes to eat a lot of fish.Ultimately though i don't give a flying...Havin said that he's falsely accused me of posting racist images,and that's not going to slip by without me challenging it
Don't worry about it fl he started this craic on another thread yesterday/earlier this morning..i'm not sure what his problem is(i think it's a he),but i suspect he either lives in canada or he likes to eat a lot of fish.Ultimately though i don't give a flying...Havin said that he's falsely accused me of posting racist images,and that's not going to slip by without me challenging it

I know, yeah. it was JC3 who posted images of lynchings. Dandy's got his knicks in a twist over something you didn't even do, kidder.
Manning was a nasty unfunny piece of work. You be tripping

You're wrong. He certainly had some unfortunate material but in a technical sense he was a maestro. In fact, 'technical' is wrong; he was an artist. Implying Manning wasn't funny is equivalent to saying Wagner couldn't write an opera or Clapton can't pluck out a tune. Unfortunately, racists are often geniuses in other areas.
He was funny. And most of his stuff wasn't objectionable.
And, as for the stuff that was...it wasn't exceptional at the time. In fact compared with some of the characters knocking around working men's clubs in the 70s/80s, he was a bleeding heart.
Manning acts as a collective scapegoat in his respect; as does the likes of Love thy Neighbour etc. there' was a ready 'market' for that stuff. "We" wanted it...or if you weren't around, fair enough...but ret assured that some of he things you laugh at now will embarrass you in 30 years. Some of the stuff you do..say..buy
There's no point trading in anachronism. As long as you're tying to improve things that's fine...or you'd thing so wouldn't you? Then you look at the intersectionalists and realise it's not as clear cut as you think.
It's not about backing the winner. It's all about backing the 'right' horse.
I only bet three or four times a year: Derby, Natnal and maybe a couple of other things. Never win a fuckin thing but I'm always on the one who deserves it.
As for the commentariat, I think it comes down to this: they're a bunch of cunts. There's only one decent thing I've read lately.


Mainly for the quote at the end which inspired me to look out my old Phil Ochs stuff...

#“Sure, once I was young and impulsive; I wore every conceivable pin,
Even went to Socialist meetings, learned all the old Union hymns
Ah, but I’ve grown older and wiser, and that’s why I’m turning you in.
So love me, love me, love me, I’m a liberal.” #
Nah, he knew how to tell a joke though.

Nah he was rubbish and not from a pc, alternative, non racist/sexist etc pov. He was nice to old people who came to his club, that's true but still a cunt. Not as good as Roy chubby Brown and he was shit as well.
As if by magic! Ronnie Rubashov is back. Welcome back Ronnie. You're right about the commentariat but wrong in a nice way about everything else!
You're wrong. He certainly had some unfortunate material but in a technical sense he was a maestro. In fact, 'technical' is wrong; he was an artist. Implying Manning wasn't funny is equivalent to saying Wagner couldn't write an opera or Clapton can't pluck out a tune. Unfortunately, racists are often geniuses in other areas.
He was funny. And most of his stuff wasn't objectionable.<snip>

That's what I was trying to say. Nice to see you back anyway.
I understand your point but....
bamalama isn't trustworthy.

based on what, exactly?

Bamalama's posts (that I have read, and I've read a few) have been consistent with his professed views. I used to get silly cunts asking 'who were you?'. You are just an institutionlised urban wierdo, dandruff (there that's 3 posters now).
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