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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-25

without diverting this into yet another Liz Truss discussion, it must be a very long time indeed since we had a foreign secretary who was so breathtakingly dense, utterly unprepared / clueless on the brief, and so embarrassingly out of their depth. Oh wait, her predecessor was Dominic Raab. Her main priority for the visit seems to have been to cosplay as Margaret Thatcher for instagram, quoting from a long forgotten photoshoot in 1983/84.

It's like watching the Pig & Whistle accidentally playing Bayern Munich in the Champions' League.

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Russian ambassador due at palace of St James to confirm they have no problem with our claims to sovereignty over the Isles of Wight and Dogs.
I assume thats a gag. Salsbury Plain would have made for a better grasp of the size of the fuck up she made.
Not sure if this story belongs here or in the Covid conspiraloonery thread

Macron refused to take Russian Covid test

French diplomatic sources told Reuters that Mr Macron had been told to choose between accepting a Russian PCR test to get closer to Putin or abide by strict social distancing rules.
"We knew very well that meant no handshake and that long table. But we could not accept that they get their hands on the president's DNA," one of the sources told Reuters. The source did not elaborate on how the Russian intelligence services could exploit Mr Macron's DNA.
Not sure if this story belongs here or in the Covid conspiraloonery thread

Macron refused to take Russian Covid test

I mean, if someone told me "you need to take a PCR test otherwise you can't shake hands with Putin and you have to maintain social distancing from him" I'd be a bit like alanpartridgeshrug.gif. But then I'm not the king of France or whatever?
Well I for one am grateful, I still have recovered from finding out there more than one Ian Duncan Smith. If youtubes of Macron doing dodgy Sacha Distel numbers I wouldn't know what to think
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What is it they’re worried the ruskies are going to do with Macron’s DNA? Clone a pygmy-Macron to be used in times of war to lampoon him?
What is it they’re worried the ruskies are going to do with Macron’s DNA? Clone a pygmy-Macron to be used in times of war to lampoon him?
It just struck me as a bit odd that one of the arguments used by some covid loons to avoid getting tested is their fear of their DNA ending up being used for non-specific nefarious purposes, and now Macron appears to be endorsing that view point.
this is a really expensive psychological war game if there's no actual intention of going to war, i must say.

internet seems to be cacking its pants that the russians will invade wednesday cos it's a full moon. also that previous war started feb 20, 2014, during the winter olympics in sochi.
Obviously this is based on no insider knowledge whatsoever. But yeh, it’s a bully boy outfit, I don’t see them backing down and offering an olive branch either
A pro-Russian government in a nominally-independent Kiev that officially cedes Crimea / recognizes Russian sovereignty in the east -- anything less is a defeat for Putin.
I think Johnson will be gone before any Russian invasion of Ukraine which I don’t think will happen. The US for once has been smart. Putin has been trying to use the build up of troops along the border to force concessions out of NATO but Biden has called his bluff by saying Russia intends to invade. So now when it doesn’t (it would be an utterly idiotic mistake to do so) Washington can mischievously claim it only didn’t because of the pressure they put on Moscow.
What makes you so confident Russian won't invade, vanya ? They'll need an excuse, of course, but I don't think it will be difficult for them to find one. Yes it would be a disaster to try and occupy the country, but official, open occupation of the eastern regions which have been de facto Russian for 8 years -- is that so unbelievable? I think UN/world recognition of Russian sovereignty in Crimea and Donbass would be a great victory Putin, and something they think is achievable/realistic
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