Where's the bloody sun?
So much for the claim a couple weeks ago that they were only interested in the Donbass region, as Russia starts to incorporate the Kherson Oblast into their sphere.
The southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, which Russia claims to have captured, will transition to using the rouble from 1 May, according to Russian state media.
Kirill Stremousov, the deputy chairman of the military-civilian administration of the region, told Ria Novosti that the transition would take place over a period of four months, during which the Russian rouble and the Ukrainian hryvnia will be in circulation.
After this period, the region will fully transition to using Russian currency, he added, "From May 1, we are moving into the ruble zone,” Stremousov told the outlet." LINK
The website of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk region in Russia has published news about its plans to “expropriate the surplus crops of farmers” in the occupied region of Kherson, Ukrainian media is reporting.
A rough Google translation appears to read: “This approach will be economically justified, given the withdrawal of many suppliers of seeds and fertiliSers from the Russian market, as well as significant costs for heat and electricity to grow their own vegetables and fruits.” LINK