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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-25

Now here's a little snippet - the RAF 146 fleet is used to take senior politicians, military, diplomatic people to place they need to be.

Might be routine - we have a significant, though the depth is debatable, relationship with Ukraine, so our people are there on a regular basis, but in light of some of the stuff on this thread, and not on this thread, it may not be routine.

Interesting development - I wonder what will come of it.

I fear the Ukrainians are about to be disappointed by the difference between warm words and actual help...

I fear Putin's caught NATO on the hop, but then I don't, because of the order the Ukrainian's have done things. One things for sure that 32 Squadron flight, UK is involving itself. After that OSINT tweet, Biden Kyiv call needs to happen. Russia Escalates Conflict in Ukraine
I don't doubt Kiev will call, question is whether Biden will pick up...

If FP says they haven't spoken since he took office then they haven't. However Roman Mashovets', calls for joint drills with NATO forces....The NATO meeting on the Monday BEFORE the formally ending the ceasefire Tuesday and the other calls...
When I was in Odessa in 2005 I heard that people were talking about ultimately partitioning Ukraine. I think I told those people (or at least I hope told them) that that would be a really bad idea.
Does anyone know this Ischenko guy? He's obviously a tool, but does anything he's saying make sense?

It looks like the Russians will be arguing that they were provoked, if they do pull the trigger - and maybe they will have been.

And we already know the outcome: the oligarchs count their money, while a bucketful of guts and bone splinters is presented to a some poor woman with a note that reads "mama, here's your boy".

I did wonder whether this was about Biden and the Russian government chucking a few logs onto the fire. Biden's history suggests he's more than a bit fighty and more than happy to get involved in other people's business.

I feel so sorry for the Ukrainians. How much shit do they have to put up with. Its never ending.
Of course the locals are pawns in an awful game, but the geo-political nature of this is immense, does the west do anything? China’s watching intensely, if the answer is No then I would not like to be Taiwan right now. Obviously would not like to be Taiwan right now anyway, but if Russia is allowed to do what it likes then China who has been doing what it likes fo will consolidate its position.

Covid is a spanner in the works of course, feels like there is no stomach for military shit in the west and the east is ready to exploit that.
You don't need to wonder because the answer is obvious: nothing will come of it.

No Western government is going to take thousands of casualties to defend Kiev.

If that is the case then Western Government's words and actions over the last few days are at least partially responsible for the FUBAR looming into view
enemies at the door of Russia is an ever present in their history. Suits Putin the ratchet it up. Some Ukrainians also lobbying for trouble.the last thing the western lot need is a reenactment of the White Russian scuffles of a century ago

Had to check, but yep EU entered the fray on Sunday (checked coz even the Beeb didn't cover the troop mobilization til Saturday). Quite a good worked example to made from that headline vs this thread on just how far the Guardian and the EU are up their own arses
Why did pro EU/anti-Russian policies ever get so much support in the Ukraine? Didn't they realise they were playing with fire? Did someone tell them that the UN would send a peacekeeing force? Putin's ruthlessness has always been plain to see. He's a killer. Underestimate him at your peril.
Why did pro EU/anti-Russian policies ever get so much support in the Ukraine? Didn't they realise they were playing with fire? Did someone tell them that the UN would send a peacekeeing force? Putin's ruthlessness has always been plain to see. He's a killer. Underestimate him at your peril.

And the EU would never let Ukraine join up any more than they will Turkey.
Open source Int twitter is going into overdrive with lots of indications that a very high readiness Russian formation is massing at the jumping on off points to take a second bite at Ukraine.

There are no exercises declared to NATO or OSCE. Might be something, might be nothing.

and it sounds like they're at it again

would nato do anything?
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