But it
would create a buffer zone (an occupied / client state eastern half of Ukraine) between Russia proper and ‘the West’. The western rump, even if not allowed into NATO, would still (as you say,
agricola) be heavily-armed and hostile.
Don’t know if this still applies today, but I understood that much of USSR Cold War policy in Europe was to create a buffer zone (ie the Eastern Bloc / Warsaw Pact countries), because of the Soviet Union’s horrendous experience in WW2 and the Nazi invasion. Millions murdered, scorched earth policy, villages destroyed, heavy plant and other materiel seized, the western / European part of the USSR was devastated.
So if NATO / the USA had attacked the USSR conventionally, they would first have to get through East Germany, Poland, Hungary etc.
Doesn’t Belarus as a Russian client state currently function as such a buffer?
Of course it would be far better for Putin to have control of all Ukraine, but he
might settle for the eastern half
Was listening to a R4 pundit yesterday, suggesting that one way for this war to end without complete occupation of Ukraine would be for Zelenskii to offer Putin something in return for a cessation of hostilities. But what might that be - the Donbas region, or a good deal more?
It’s deeply unpleasant to think of - an aggressor rewarded for their aggression - but it’s what happened in Bosnia in the 1990s, with large areas of Bosnia being handed over to the Republika Srpska ‘entity’ in exchange for peace