Quite a remarkable statement, in my view, from the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development that despite power shortages in Ukraine due to Russian missile and drone attacks it will not fund Ukraine’s largest private energy company, DTEK. This is due to DTEK being owned by the richest man in Ukraine.
"The goal of freeing the economy from the influence of oligarchs is absolutely essential, and we have very firm ideas on this: it is part of the reforms that must be made for Ukraine to join the
European Union. If we accepted compromises on this issue, we would harm the country's long-term prospects," Odile Renaud-Basso said.
DTEK has said it has suffered losses from Russia estimated at over two-thirds of its electricity generation capacity from renewables and a third of its thermal capacity. The Kyiv Independent reported in June that in a
worst-case scenario, Ukrainians could face up to 20 hours of blackouts a day.
The statement is a response to an article published by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. The newspaper reported on Nov. 24 that Odile Renaud-Basso, the president of the EBRD, had said the bank would not provide funds to DTEK due to its ownership by oligarch Rinat Akhmetov.