What are you suggesting here?
Why do you bother with the same frothing rant that no one reads every fucking night as well?
Here's some useful and largely spot-on insider thoughts for you and your type to ignore:
Is UKIP taking some progressive stances that Labour is afraid of taking?
First, it's clear what I am suggesting : That there is a gap in logic between
a) Being consistently scathing of the idea that we should highlight/condemn some of the nastier ideas lurking on the hard right.
b) Highlighting and Condemning some of those ideas very shortly after
Second, if I am to take advice from anyone about how to avoid repeatative behaviour on the internets, I'm afraid you won't be very near the top of the list.
Lastly, thanks for the link to UKIP and TTIP. It's the most substantive thing I've seen on the topic I think.
Whenever I quizzed UKIP people on TTIP they tended to be very evasive, mostly saying that because it was being negotiated via the EU they neednt discuss it because they wanted to pull out of the EU.
This dodge didnt make sense, because there's plenty about the EU they slag off 24/7, but not TTIP.
In any case, in or out of the EU, it's the plethora of Bi Lateral Investment Treaties (BITs) that are truly problematic but that's detail neither the kipborg or MSM don't bother with.
Now it seems that some of them have caught on to the danger, in part at least. Is it only the NHS they seem to be bothered about? They've been very badly caught out on that topic and I trust the instincts of Farage and Nuttall to privatise more than any passion on the conference floor.
As I said upthread, UKIP are now into the former LD practice of picking up on passing interesting sounding things. Opposition to HS2 is one, any Damascus moment on TTIP would be another, not that this is to be churlish - it's better than a kick in the balls. But only The left and greens the EU structure have any credible track record on opposition.
Can UKIP posture as more left than Labour on some issues? big deal if they can, it's barely the most difficult of things to manage, though I'm sure they compensate elsewhere. And while only a fool would look to labour for leadership on something like TTIP (they are more lukewarm than tories and Libdems) I imagine their rank and file would be at least as robust in defending the NHS at conference . It doesn't have to mean much, Labour don't listen to members, UKIP make up policy on the hoof and cant be depended on.
Finally, that piece makes an interesting claim that UKIP members no longer listen to the establishment or their mouthpieces. What a coincidence then that the ceaseless cyberbelming of the kipborg legion chimes so harmonically with the political line of establishment mouthpieces like Mail/Express/Star/Sun.
The "anti establishment" thing is grand hoax.
We saw a proper establishment panic when it looked like Scotland might vote "yes". The "panic" about UKIP is nothing like as deep or threatening.