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UK Votes to Leave EU

Piss off. He isn't attacking you for being an immigrant you slimy prick. Nor is he siding with Farage.

Don't worry, Nigel. we are pissing off out of this once welcoming country and it's little armies of the right and little armies of the left.
Yeah. Let's target immigrant unemployed mentally ill liberals like krtek whilst giving Nigel the benefit of the doubt. After all, got to flash my credentials here on urban, no matter what.
Please read what I said, I haven't attacked you on this thread. Nor have I sided with Farage, I've simply pointed out that your 'class doesn't exist' nonsense is a major part of the reason why Leave won, because class is real and it is part of the reason why so many decided to vote Leave.
At this moment I'm currently listening to Farage on the BBC, he's just made the point that Leave won this vote in the North and Midlands and that this win was based on the fact that those communities had been 'left behind' (not a direct quote).

Of course I don't believe he gives a shit for people in those communities but he at least has enough nous to recognise the massive anger, fear, worry and pain that so many people in Britain feel. What does it say about liberals like krtek a houby that they can't see that.
Of course he knows that. Hes brilliant at exploiting and scapegoating hardship.
We know what he really wants to happen nextthough: Film shows Nigel Farage calling for move away from state-funded NHS
Don't blame you. Elements of the left and right have had intercourse and produced today's bastard of a result.

Little England.

Jesus. Why are you deliberately and dishonestly misrepresenting people's positions? I get this bit though, in the next post you'll protest and play victim ,right?
Please read what I said, I haven't attacked you on this thread. Nor have I sided with Farage, I've simply pointed out that your 'class doesn't exist' nonsense is a major part of the reason why Leave won, because class is real and it is part of the reason why so many decided to vote Leave.

All the leavers I spoke to over the last few months didn't mention class. They all, without exception, mentioned "immigration" and "Eastern Europeans".

Yes; that's my experience, my anecdotage but I'm not making it up.
Of course he knows that. Hes brilliant at exploiting and scapegoating hardship.
We know what he really wants to happen nextthough: Film shows Nigel Farage calling for move away from state-funded NHS
Of course, I have absolutely no doubt where Farage is coming from but and this is the key he at least pretends to acknowledge these issues exists, liberals like krtek won't even do that.

(And that means that krtek and co are every bit as much my opponents as Farage and UKIP)
Jesus. Why are you deliberately and dishonestly misrepresenting people's positions? I get this bit though, in the next post you'll protest and play victim ,right?

LOL. I'm misrepresenting people's positions?


Have you just seen what's happened to your country?

Fucking little englanders. Right or left.
I bet the establishment are now regretting giving that nicotine stained fuckwit far more coverage than any other MEP in British history.
She's right though. In the proud history of the market, share price collapse is about half an inch away from 'restructuring' and job losses, not that there were any jobs in the conventional sense to begin with.

She's right in so far as capital uses downturns to make more money by taking more from the poorest. These past years of austerity have been down to the banking crisis which has seen the rich get richer than they have ever been. Their narrative is we must protect the markets, the reality is that it is only in the proles' interests as long as they allow that narrative to rule.
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