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UK Anti-fascist mobilisations 2023

There may be other reasons as suggested but their main reason for targeting Long Eaton is the two hotels hosting asylum seekers near the M1there. PA looking to build on local disquiet as in Kegworth, further South, where there have been larger demos than some of the other locations.
Are they assuming they’ll get slapped if they get any closer to Nottingham?
Long Eaton, like a lot of towns along that part of the M1corridor (Heanor, Eastwood, Ilkeston)
are Notts-Derbyshire border towns, often with mining or related industrial history and some history of far right activity and organising. BNP had councillors in areas like Brinsley and held some “summer camps” in Western Derbyshire, Heanor had one of the most notorious fascist pubs in the East Mids. Both biker gangs and scooterists in this part of the East Mids have been known to have fash tendencies - like those scooter club friends of gobshite Ashfield MP Lee Anderson on the Notts side of the M1 that featured in a Private Eye expose…
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The fascists were reportedly heavily outnumbered and humiliated both in Lincoln on Saturday and Long Eaton on Sunday. The split in Patriotic Alternative, the weather, and good local antifascist mobilisations may all have played a part.
The fascists were reportedly heavily outnumbered and humiliated both in Lincoln on Saturday and Long Eaton on Sunday. The split in Patriotic Alternative, the weather, and good local antifascist mobilisations may all have played a part.
How sound is the info on PA 'splitting'; information by Searchlight can be dubious at best?
Are there any other credible sources?
Think the main source is Red Flare, but not just a single source and various “noise” online.
Theoretically in your opinion, how much is Colle t founding the group on the 're-vamped' by Griffi n B N P from Tyndall in mid nineties?
With arguments, such as that about plans to build a local hospital and other cut backs against that of accomodation of migrants/refugees etc., the environment in Cannoc k and similar places and recent history of far right; do you think that this new manifestation of Fascism will go in Strasserit e direction or more 'Euro' Fascist; maybe something different, significant with far right picking up on 'conspiraloon' subculture?
Theoretically in your opinion, how much is Colle t founding the group on the 're-vamped' by Griffi n B N P from Tyndall in mid nineties?
With arguments, such as that about plans to build a local hospital and other cut backs against that of accomodation of migrants/refugees etc., the environment in Cannoc k and similar places and recent history of far right; do you think that this new manifestation of Fascism will go in Strasserit e direction or more 'Euro' Fascist; maybe something different, significant with far right picking up on 'conspiraloon' subculture?
Collett & Towler’s PA seemed modelled partly on Sellner & others Identitarian type groups, (Hence all the fitness/outward bound stuff & youth focus) with front groups and never realised ambitions to twin track, Italian style, with a “legit” electoral wing. It seems this latter strategy running into the sand has been one factor in the split, with the splitters seeming even more likely to launch fronts and pseudo-parties.
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Collett & Towler’s PA seemed modelled partly on Selner’s & other Identity type groups, with front groups and never realised ambitions to twin track, Italian style, with a “legit” electoral wing. It seems this latter strategy running into the sand has been one factor in the split, with the splitters seeming even more likely to launch fronts and pseudo-parties.
Meanwhile, their rivals, in the Midlands at least, are Brons et al with their BDP attempt at re-creation of the BNP.
NSD are a new one on me - had a quick search and found a UAF thread about them here:

Nice to know:
How sound is the info on PA 'splitting'; information by Searchlight can be dubious at best?
Are there any other credible sources?
Yes there are credible sources: preeminent being two sound recordings on Telegram: one is of Collett and Towler in dialogue with 60 or so members, the other being an online Homeland Conference. The split is real but very interesting that Searchlight got in first, then Red Flare (who didnt credit them: miaow!). Hope Not Hate said little: major intelligence fail for them…😁😁
Oh and Homeland have a few regional sites as well as a national one.
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A Corporal perhaps🤔
Yerbury is a ridiculous cosplay artist. However, always worth remembering that a lot of historical monsters and terrorists were once laughed at and thought ridiculous with their comedic moustaches and antique clothing…
I agree but Adolf (for example) joined a pre-existing party and galvanised it. Whereas Yerbury left one. Also Adolf was many things but stupid wasn’t one of them. Yerbury has the intellect of a beached mollusc and his only new idea (national vs local) is so banal it is humorous
Yes, I was going to make some similar comment on the original flyer, it was unclear I think. Neo-Nazis as well, or maybe they were just calling Posie Parker a Neo-Nazi?
Yeah, on one hand I agree that it's worth keeping the two categories separate, but then Parker/Keen-Minshull does genuinely blur the lines - some background on her here:
In 2018, Parker made comments in since-deleted tweets about Muslim communities, causing Woman’s Place UK – a group opposed to gender-self identification for trans people – to publicly cut ties with her.

“We reject any generalisations or misrepresentations of Muslims and other faith groups and we think this contributes to the alienation of these communities from the public discourse,” the group said at the time...

Parker has also previously been criticised for praising far-right campaigner Tommy Robinson in a Feminist Current podcast...

Parker has previously been interviewed by far-right network Soldiers of Christ Online, and appeared in a video with Jean-François Gariépy – a prominent far-right YouTuber who calls for a “white ethno-state”.

Parker later defended her appearance, claiming she didn’t know the people in question were far-right.
And then, more recently, there was her Australian speaking tour:

So yeah, it might be more accurate to describe her as a transphobe who has a history of working with the far-right and attracting nazis to her events, but I can't really blame them for just using "fascist" as shorthand in this particular instance.
London one one Sunday. Agree I wouldn't conflate all transphobes with fash but Parker seems to be actively courting them.

NB, my teenager wants to go to this, I think I should I go with them - I don't know if there has been actual brawling at any of her UK events with counterprotestors, but feel uncomfortable about them going alone/with peers to something that feels like it could get lairy.
Teen wants to go to that as well. They have an older friend to go with and I'm more confident that will remain calm, but I think gsv's suggested advice is good, which is that if the coppers start kicking off, even with the other side, they should walk away at that point.
Manchester was a bit more even in numbers than the first one - this was maybe about 40 of us to 20 of them, whereas the first felt more like 100-200 to 15 or so, but numbers still definitely on our side. Highlight was one bloke just reading Roger McGough poems into a megaphone, which would maybe have been a bit inappropriate for a big EDL protest or something but felt like a nicely whimsical response to a handful of conspiracy theorist oddballs who can't actually organise.

Bury was a bit of a weird one, I was expecting there to be more of a visible CP presence but there really wasn't - which was a relief in some ways, cos I didn't relish the idea of standing in a Polish area next to a bunch of people waving hammers and sickles or chanting about Stalin, but also a bit disorientating in that it felt like everyone had gone along to help out with someone else's mobilisation and no-one seemed identifiable as the actual organisers or to know what the plan was.
The Polish centre where the far-right were meeting turned out to be next to a Polish Catholic church - I thought it seemed like a weird time for a meeting, but when I got there I realised they'd played quite a smart move, because it meant that we couldn't make any noise or do anything else disruptive without winding up the people who were just trying to attend church.
At one point one of the fascists came out and started filming, saying that we were racists who wanted Polish people out of England and that we all supported Putin, so a few people shouted back at him. Later, talked to one of the worshippers from the church who was annoyed by this and that we'd made a mistake by making any noise, but then talked to another church-goer who seemed fine and was just a bit curious as to what it was all about. Another local mentioned that normally when there's people shouting at each other on that street it's just the local crackheads getting in arguments, so having it be fascists and antifascists shouting at each other seemed a bit more interesting.
Overall, suppose it was worthwhile going in terms of the principle that when there's local people opposing the far-right in their area, it's a bit shit to leave them to do it alone, but not really worthwhile in the sense of "we had a clear plan and achieved what we set out to do", I suppose?
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