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Two arrested for murder after hunt supporter's death

Then you obviously live in a working class area.

Everyone who *I* know who hunts is very thoroughly a toff. And I'm even willing to bet that I know and have come across a *lot* more hunters than you do.

In fact, there were a couple talking loudly in our local pub at the weekend, boasting about the foxes that they'd killed that day so that everybody could overhear. They were so fucking upper-class that they should have been in a Monty Python sketch. Never have I been so tempted to slash somebody's tyres, but which Land Rover would I have gone for?

Don't think the Vale of Glamorgan is renowned for its working classness, but still.
Then you obviously live in a working class area.

Everyone who *I* know who hunts is very thoroughly a toff.

Then I would suggest that your own experience is limited or you live in an "upper class" area.

I shoot pretty much every weekend and have friends that hunt. There are 3 hunts near shoots that we go to and the majority of hunters are just normal people. Not particularly working class, though many are and most of the foot followers seem to be, but very definitely not toffs. They're mainly farm workers and locals.

Of course "toffs" do hunt but to give the impression that everyone who does so is posh is wholly misleading and just playing to an agenda.
It's palpably obvious to anyone that knows any hunts, though, that it is all about the fun of hunting. The idea that it has anything to do with pest control whatsoever is totally laughable.

It's also obvious that they still are seeking out foxes to chase.
Sorry. Simply not true.

when i used to Sab in the South many years ago, that was very much my impression. Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire.

when the hunt meets at Ockley in Surrey, for example, i defy you to find anyone on a horse who didn't go to public school or isn't generally fucking minted :D
It's palpably obvious to anyone that knows any hunts, though, that it is all about the fun of hunting. The idea that it has anything to do with pest control whatsoever is totally laughable.

Oh absolutely. Hunters want more foxes, not less.

Supporters should drop the pest control defence, which as you say is palpably bollocks and was probably made up in a pub 50 years ago over a few gin and tonics.
when the hunt meets at Ockley in Surrey, for example, i defy you to find anyone on a horse who didn't go to public school or isn't generally fucking minted :D

Not too surprising really. Any form of horse related activity seems to be a hideously fucking expensive exercise, so you're bound to get toffs involved.

:: waves at Mr K ::
Hunting predominantley for the wealthy?

Utter tosh.

Lots of humbly paid working class people own horses, drive big fuck off 4x4s and own - or have mates who own - large areas of land.
yeah, and it's one less wax jacket wearing, bloodsport loving gaurun -fucking-teed tory voting waste of skin.
If the leader of the western hunt was lying bleeding and twitching in front of me I would do precisely fuck all. I'd piss on him if it didn't mean the police would find me through dna but other than that I'd let the cunt die.
Hunting predominantley for the wealthy?

Utter tosh.

Lots of humbly paid working class people own horses, drive big fuck off 4x4s and own - or have mates who own - large areas of land.
such people can hardly be working class... Unless your definition of a humble wage is 50K a year perhaps...
such people can hardly be working class... Unless your definition of a humble wage is 50K a year perhaps...
If you harken carefully, you might just about to hear the faint sounds of the lesser-spotted WHOOSH.
Yep. Morse was standing in front of the non-running machine.

Mr Morse then beckoned her out of the car, she said, but she moved away when the gyrocopter's engine started. .....

......"I can remember thinking 'oh right, they are going to start it' ......

....."It (the engine) started and then it moved forward and hit Trevor," she said.


So the pilot has started the engine whilst a bloke was already standing in front of it and steered the machine at him!

He's fucked, imo.
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