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Two arrested for murder after hunt supporter's death

Theres a long history of violence from huntscum towards sabs with the police turning a blind eye.
Murder charge sounds like utter bollocks though - for a start the incident was clearly not pre-medidated and they'd ahve to prove intent.
It seems to point towards the pilot panicking in the face of shouty aggresive and large huntscum bloke and either
a. didn't turn off the rotas or
b. decided to try and take off.
Either way its manslughter with a defence of fear for your own safety.

well said
Spymaster, you seem to imagine that most people posting on this thread are completely lacking in objectivity because of their anti-hunt position.

Well I'm new to this thread, and to this case. Just been catching up with it, and it seems to me that the person making the most outrageously biased and subjective assumptions is you. And that the most informative posts (albeit inevitably containing some speculation too) are coming from people who are doing what you're not -- standing back and trying to work out reasonably dispassionately how much is known.

You on the other hand are assuming that the gyrocopter pilots are murderers and that the charge of murder is justified. Is that because you hate anti hunt campaigners and because you want them to be guilty here?

Seems to me that whatever your opinion, the facts (as so far known) seem far too uncertain for the prosecution to find it easy to make a murder charge stick. As someone has already sensibly pointed out, a murder charge can be downgraded to manslaughter depending on what evidence emerges.

Wind yer redfaced fury in. You'd be a useless prosecution lawyer! :rolleyes:

top post yet again, wow
I don't mean to be an arse but the link on intention is buried in the section on the mens rea of murder and provides a more thorough exploration of the relevant area.

absolutely, it's just in the first line of the murder definition :)
:D Well they would be wouldn't they?

Both sides have been guilty of violence. The thing is the sabs have used it to prevent people doing something perfectly legal based on their class hatred rather than animal welfare.

so isn't it legal to protest?
It was a fair post from Will 'o Wall.

Tbh, I was only posting to counter the poster Cantsin, who has made it his cause to send me abusve PM's.

He thinks he's the internet hard boy and sends PM's saying "yer a big man behind a keyboard, aren't cha?".
I'm no sab and have never been involved in such activities, but perhaps due to their visible and high profile, it's a lot easier to identify, find, follow and target horseback riders than others?

also, it takes a certain mindset to ride across someone else's garden
I don't like the hunt - they are a toffee-nosed pain in the arse.

I don't generally like sabs - they are almost as much of a pain as the hunt.

I dont like foxes - any I see get a face full of BBs.

But to run someone over with your helicopter? Jeesarse - its only a fox.
Mind you, some small airfields have surveillance camera systems, because of theft.

my friend used to work at long marston airfield/industrial units and live in a caravan out the back. they have a 24hr manned/camera'd gate, but it's a tatty, run down place generally, unlikely they full coverage of the site
I don't like the hunt - they are a toffee-nosed pain in the arse.

I don't generally like sabs - they are almost as much of a pain as the hunt.

I dont like foxes - any I see get a face full of BBs.

But to run someone over with your helicopter? Jeesarse - its only a fox.

I would agree but on the other hand if someone stands still in the face of whirly blade death couldn't we consider it a form of stubborn suicide.
Fuck it's just a fox. Jesus.

other side of my valley i saw a dog fox who was the size of a german shepherd last year. i don't know if the cold up here is anything to do with it, but he was bloody massive compared to any of the hundreds of urban foxes i've seen down south. but he wasn't too bright; i was driving on a single track road across open moorland and he just ran down the middle of the round in front of me....at least i had plenty of time to admire him, and actually get pretty close as i started to edge past him- but even then he didn't jink onto the open moor. so i just overtook the stupid bugger, and when i looked in my mirror he'd stopped in the road again, watching me go :confused:
Sounds like it was a dog to me.

I been rural all me life and the biggest dog fox I ever saw stood about half as high again as my terrier.
Thing I have never understood about this is ...

Q: In whose interests is it to have plenty of foxes?

A: The hunt
Sounds like it was a dog to me.

I been rural all me life and the biggest dog fox I ever saw stood about half as high again as my terrier.

i'm a country lad born ' 'bred also, and i had to ring my friend
(a 'ranger'....get her!) to tell him what i'd seen. i was saying dog/fox hybrid, and he assured me that the dog (male) fox can get pretty big
conversely, i'm his expert on dogs. that was no dog
Thing I have never understood about this is ...

Q: In whose interests is it to have plenty of foxes?

A: The hunt

Aye, they keep earths for that very purpose.
If I find em, I send my terrier down. If I don't, I shoot the fox.

Fuck 'em. Foxes are vermin. I dont keep special places for rats, wherever I find em, I set my dogs on em.
i'm a country lad born ' 'bred also, and i had to ring my friend
(a 'ranger'....get her!) to tell him what i'd seen. i was saying dog/fox hybrid, and he assured me that the dog (male) fox can get pretty big
conversely, i'm his expert on dogs. that was no dog

Must've lived near a chicken farm. :D
'Fox turns into Muntjac shocker'

no muntjac in this part of scotland

but they do get around.....

(crap. was looking for a link to that story about the muntjac travelling to work, including round the m25 at rush hour, in the front scoop of a mg/rover hot hatch thingy. the driver (who didn't want to be named) had hit the deer early on in his commute from home, and then continued. when he arrived at work a colleague pointed out that he had something stuck in his radiator intake. it turned out to be a muntjac
said deer then extricated itself and was pretty much unhurt apparently. first visit to london, though

(if anyone can find a link, i'd be dead impressed. i can't remember what the headline was......(any suggestions?))
But have you ever heard a Muntjac growl ...

It is an amazing sound, chilling in fact.

used to have on in the garden. it would come in and set the dog off.
i swear they have a sense of humour. i'm a bit of a midnight rambler, and the woods down south are thick with them. i'd be sitting quietly on some wooded hillside, just settling in... complete silence.... and then, out of the fucking darkness about ten yards behind one barks at me :eek:, with that dog/bark/puking noise they make.
yeah alright, you got me

so i light my smoke

ah..that shut you up
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