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Tucker Carlson and Assange

I no longer accept the MSM's instructions as I am now under the control of a Higher Power who compels me to post trolling threads and comments on the Internet then rewards me with bright lights and music. I recall you from the meeting too, Phil!
Have you considered the possibility that we have been hating Carlson since before it was fashionable, for all the other shitty stuff he does?
carlson prefers russia, he says, where the government kills political opponents. so if he returns to the states, he'll have no issue if Biden's operatives whack him.
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AI has brought us such delights.
See, I assumed it was AI at first, and then I got on to this bit:
Tucker’s approach to conversation got even better than before, and it’s a success both on TV and on the internet.

He even had the opportunity to express his ideas and ask questions. Once again, we see more of Tucker in action on his night show, where he renders peak arguments and discussion.

Tucker Carlson remains a Television icon that will be the best in his field and in his years of wearing a bow tie.
And now I just reckon Phil wrote it.
People can make their own minds up about Assange and they can hate him or not. It doesn't really matter. Personally I don't want Assange extradited on these charges for reasons that have nothing to do with my personal feelings towards the man but more inline with what amnesty say here.
Carlson the hard edge of journalism

Carlson the hard edge of journalism

Watched a YouTube of someone else doing Russian supermarket tour today...a lot of knock off versions and change of origin due to sanctions...green packaging disappeared as they can't get the dye
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I think I hate him more for boosting Qanon and right wing insurrection against a vestige of democracy. The devil's work.

The creepy mister Carlson will do or say anything or adopt any opinion or position you like as long as Carlson gets work.

Go on then phildwyer his best works after responding to the main bit above.
I honestly don't think he cares. 'Fabulous haircut good make up' and can spiel. This is the lampoon zone, offered as the truth. This is the cultural gimp mask zone as you sit on the pear of anguish.
I no longer accept the MSM's instructions as I am now under the control of a Higher Power who compels me to post trolling threads and comments on the Internet then rewards me with bright lights and music. I recall you from the meeting too, Phil!
That wasn't me, that was Mel Gibson. We're often mistaken for each other. You probably think I'm joking: I only wish I were.
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