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Trump the "how will he go down Poll"

How will it go down....

  • Total voters
Basically, he's pulling out all the stops to stay in power beyond 2020. Playing to his base and them lapping it up like cream is only one part of that. Other factors include:

  • Fuck all is being done to secure voting systems for 2018, despite clear evidence that many machines and systems are wide open to tampering, and others so ancient they still run off Windows 95 and crash if you sneeze on them. (Oddly enough, these seem to be in Democratic majority districts.)
  • The Supreme Court gave the green light for states to purge registered voter rolls and already they are culling hundreds of thousands for fairly arbitrary or non existent reasons. I've seen shedloads of folks reporting they've been turned away from the polls when they were on the register just months ago, or because there's a letter missing in their name or address. Oddly enough, seems to be happening in areas with a history of voting blue.
  • Twitter and other social media still being swarmed with paid trolls and bots posting content aiming to induce in-fighting and/or defeatism among those most likely to vote Democratic.
  • If all the shit above doesn't work, Trump is already pushing the line that Democrats are trying to rig the elections in November (like he did in 2016). So if they DO make gains, his base are already primed to believe they cheated and the results aren't valid. So we could get endless legal challenges to the results, legislators refusing to leave their seats, and "domestic terror" type incidents. It won't be nice.
  • Also, plenty of chances between now and November of this year, let alone now and Novemebr 2020, for a "Reichstag Fire," or some other reason to delay or cancel elections.
I'm actually not a glass half empty type of person, but fucksake, it is looking grim.
America managed to have a Presidential Election during WW2, so I doubt even the Donald could manufacture a crisis worse than that to cancel the 2024 election, when he will be out of office. (assuming he does win in 2020)
I see no reason to change my previous prediction. If Trump really was some sort of Manchurian candidate he'd be out by now. All this swivel-eyed Russiagate nonsense has also served as a neat distraction preventing the Dems from recognising and fixing the fuck-ups that lead to them losing last time.
America managed to have a Presidential Election during WW2, so I doubt even the Donald could manufacture a crisis worse than that to cancel the 2024 election, when he will be out of office. (assuming he does win in 2020)
I hope you are right, but it is a very different world now. :(
Judging from how he looked in yesterday's press conference, he'll probably have a stroke before springtime if House Democrats give him a hard enough time.

TBH, I think we're stuck with him for the next 6 years, unless he decides not to give up power at the end of that time. I'm beginning to think the only way he's going out is when his own grandchildren rip him apart with their bare hands, once they realize that climate change has completly fucked us all.
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TBH, I think we're stuck with him for the next 6 years, unless he decides not to give up power at the end of that time. I'm beginning to think the only way he's going out is when his own grandchildren rip him apart with their bare hands, once they realize that climate change has completly fucked us all.
I suspect he'll drop dead suddenly at some point. He's hardly the picture of health, tbh. Of course that will set off 101 conspiracy theories, which hopefully will keep the GOP in disarray and the Evangeloons busy enough while the Democrats start trying to fix the clusterfuck. To be fair, it started with the tea party in 2008, surgical targeting of statehouses and House seats in 2010, so it will be a long haul, either way you look at it.

Either that, or we'll all die horribly in some climate-change wrought disaster, fallout from a nuclear attack, or an asteroid hit.

Quite like the optics of grandkids tearing at his flesh with their perfectly manicured nails though.
I'd like him to meet his maker in a really silly, infantile way, soon. Like accidentally drowning in jelly or going down in a hail of frisbees.

But he'll run his full term and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if he is elected next time too.
I think you’ve got mixed up. It’s those who voted “run the full term” that are looking like they’re going to be right on this one.
trump / white house are expecting the republicans to take a couple of weeks to clear him from the current impeachment shenanigans, I assume just for the sake of appearing to follow the rules.
trump / white house are expecting the republicans to take a couple of weeks to clear him from the current impeachment shenanigans, I assume just for the sake of appearing to follow the rules.
I read somewhere, a few weeks ago, the Republicans have already found him not guilty, and since they control the house...

Can't remember where I read it though.
I read somewhere, a few weeks ago, the Republicans have already found him not guilty, and since they control the house...

Can't remember where I read it though.

Democrats control the House and impeached him, Republicans control the Senate and they've said they're going to be working closely with the White House, so Trump's not going to be found guilty and removed from office unless he calls up Mitch McConnell and says "I want you to find me guilty."

There's still a chance a lot of new evidence could surface and 20 Republican senators or more could vote to remove him from office, but I think there's a better chance of Trump being stung to death by bees while being struck by lightning.
Democrats control the House and impeached him, Republicans control the Senate and they've said they're going to be working closely with the White House, so Trump's not going to be found guilty and removed from office unless he calls up Mitch McConnell and says "I want you to find me guilty."

There's still a chance a lot of new evidence could surface and 20 Republican senators or more could vote to remove him from office, but I think there's a better chance of Trump being stung to death by bees while being struck by lightning.

is it too late to add this to the poll?
I think he will reach the end of his first term and lose, I don't think he will step down quietly and/or gladly though, he will go kicking and screaming and firing off lawsuits along with wildly deranged twitter rants. In his own mind he will still be the greatest President ever and will no doubt continue to tweet away claiming credit whenever he thinks his successor has achieved something.
Unfortunately it looks very much livke the impeachment attempt may run for the Democrats in the coming election just like the Brexit blocking ran for the opposition in the UK....... It will be “people against the elite” narrative again, ludicrous as that may be if Dems run a more left candidate than Clinton was.
Unfortunately it looks very much livke the impeachment attempt may run for the Democrats in the coming election just like the Brexit blocking ran for the opposition in the UK....... It will be “people against the elite” narrative again, ludicrous as that may be if Dems run a more left candidate than Clinton was.

Correct, unless something major happens - it looks like Trump may well sail into another 4yr term.
To be fair to trump, he seems to have done a significant less warring than the previous few us presidents. Maybe it's for the best to have a fool with a narrow domestic agenda.
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