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Trump the "how will he go down Poll"

How will it go down....

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coup whilst he's playing golf in Balmoral, refused re-entry to the US. After an inspection of his social media finds communication with neerdowells, US government ceases his assets.
Melania finally snaps and beats him to death with a goldplated bedside table accessory, pleads PTSD after years of spousal abuse and belittlement, doesn't serve a day.
I think the Republican congress is going to try and get as much passed as quickly as possible until a tipping point is reached where Trump starts seriously threatening their own electability. Then they will move forward with impeachment with the massive dossier of dirty secrets they have on him

That sounds awfully competent for a party that proved themselves completely incapable of preventing Donald Trump becoming their presidential candidate.
This stuff about Pence being worse because Trump is incompetent... Trump is really Bannon, and by my mind Bannon is worse than Pence.
I can't see anything dramatic happenning. The US political system prevents him acting like the mad dictator he looks like. He got his first exec order thrown out by courts. He & his advisers have probably learned a lesson from that one. I doubt he will get rid of Obama care or build the wall. He will continue to twat on & probably the legislation that the GOP want passed will get passed. It's much like the Obama years. A great deal was expected of Obama because of what he was, an educated & articulate person of colour but the US political system ensured he did not achieve that much & I think it will do the same for Trump.

Trump will bluster on & the US machinery of government will keep the country & the rest of the world on an even keel. He may even get a second term. I think the personality & persona any US president presents to the world does matter & I think rest of world is probably baffled as to how the US could actually elect an individual like Trump but I cannot see him setting off any earth shattering events because he will not be allowed to do so.
I tracking removed for reason of instability/mental capacity.

Apparently some mechanism exists. Voted impeachment as closest
Barring some major development or incident, I think Trump will win in 2020. The Democrats have learnt nothing from their defeat in 2016 and will be as useless in 2020 as they are now.
Trump has basically rewritten the rules when it comes to Political scandal - any previous politican embroiled in this sort of stuff - paying off women he had sex with - shenanigans with Russian prostitutes (allegedly :hmm:) mocking the disabled, attacking veterans, accusing people of lying, mocking media operations as fake news, the list goes on and on, would have fallen on their sword by now, withdrawn from the presidential race (pre election) or at least apologised now he is president (the Clinton route), he just double downs and drives on. His supporters lap it up, anything he is accused of, he says it is fake news, and his supporters believe him, so he might well get re-elected in 2020 as he does have hard-core support.
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Trump has basically rewritten the rules when it comes to Political scandal - any previous politican embroiled in this sort of stuff - paying off women he had sex with - shenanigans with Russian prostitutes (allegedly :hmm:) mocking the disabled, attacking veterans, accusing people of lying, mocking media operations as fake news, the list goes on and on, would have fallen on their sword by now, withdrawn from the presidential race (pre election) or at least apologised now he is president (the Clinton route), he just double downs and drives on. His supporters lap it up, anything he is accused of, he says it is fake news, and his supporters believe him, so he might well get re-elected in 2020 as he does have hard-core support.
Basically, he's pulling out all the stops to stay in power beyond 2020. Playing to his base and them lapping it up like cream is only one part of that. Other factors include:

  • Fuck all is being done to secure voting systems for 2018, despite clear evidence that many machines and systems are wide open to tampering, and others so ancient they still run off Windows 95 and crash if you sneeze on them. (Oddly enough, these seem to be in Democratic majority districts.)
  • The Supreme Court gave the green light for states to purge registered voter rolls and already they are culling hundreds of thousands for fairly arbitrary or non existent reasons. I've seen shedloads of folks reporting they've been turned away from the polls when they were on the register just months ago, or because there's a letter missing in their name or address. Oddly enough, seems to be happening in areas with a history of voting blue.
  • Twitter and other social media still being swarmed with paid trolls and bots posting content aiming to induce in-fighting and/or defeatism among those most likely to vote Democratic.
  • If all the shit above doesn't work, Trump is already pushing the line that Democrats are trying to rig the elections in November (like he did in 2016). So if they DO make gains, his base are already primed to believe they cheated and the results aren't valid. So we could get endless legal challenges to the results, legislators refusing to leave their seats, and "domestic terror" type incidents. It won't be nice.
  • Also, plenty of chances between now and November of this year, let alone now and Novemebr 2020, for a "Reichstag Fire," or some other reason to delay or cancel elections.
I'm actually not a glass half empty type of person, but fucksake, it is looking grim.
All the Americans I know in the real world refuse to talk about politics these days for some reason, so Urban is my only source for talking Trump, If the Democrats do well in the 2018 elections, I can see him throwing a snit and resigning claming he can't get anything done, For a man in his 70's he acts like a spoilt child.
All the Americans I know in the real world refuse to talk about politics these days for some reason, so Urban is my only source for talking Trump, If the Democrats do well in the 2018 elections, I can see him throwing a snit and resigning claming he can't get anything done, For a man in his 70's he acts like a spoilt child.
He won't resign, he'll become even more insufferable than he is at the moment. Wouldn't put it past the fucker to stoke internal US tensions to 'tinder box' levels...
As soon as he resigns he can be prosecuted unless he can come to some sort of deal.

That's what seems so dangerous to me about Trump, and why it's so astounding that he was elected. All political stuff aside: he's a crook. An obvious and pretty well reported on before the election crook too. America has elected a crime family. There was no way his organisation - with its unexplained cash, running around every despotism in the world sticking its stupid name on buildings - was legitimate in a way that would stand up to serious scrutiny.

But now he's president he's getting serious scrutiny, including, because of the Russian inteference, serious legal scrutiny. He must know what Cohen and Manafort know and where things are going if they talk. It's an existential threat to him and to his family - "he will die in prison," as the phrase goes - so he has nowhere to go.
I really hope he doesn't die in office. The fall out from the loonasphere will probably be so massive that the planet will be knocked off its axis or something.
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