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Tory Leadership contest 2022

The Guardian features this rather odd picture of the presumed) contenders:


Why is Sunak, second shortest at 5'7", shown towering over the apparently six-foot tall Braverman, not to mention five-foot-ten Zahalwi and five-foot-eight Javid? Is the Guardian getting behind Dishi?
Can Johnson throw his hat in for PM now or would he have to puts a fake moustache on to try for another go ?

I think he can try, but he'll need X number of supporting signatures to get on the first ballot. There'll be at least X number of freaks who will pledge allegiance to the Once and Future King, but even if he gets on the first ballot (unlikely imv), outside of the freaks like Mad Nad, no one will see him as a future bet, and he'll struggle to get more than 30 votes.
The Guardian features this rather odd picture of the presumed) contenders:

View attachment 331117

Why is Sunak, second shortest at 5'7", shown towering over the apparently six-foot tall Braverman, not to mention five-foot-ten Zahalwi and five-foot-eight Javid? Is the Guardian getting behind Dishi?

This is a weird picture alright. But it should shame the Labour Party somewhat that it's the Tories who are able to field five candidates only one of whom is white, and she's a woman. Not saying that makes up for the fact that they're all obviously evil and/or insane, but still...
This is a weird picture alright. But it should shame the Labour Party somewhat that it's the Tories who are able to field five candidates only one of whom is white, and she's a woman. Not saying that makes up for the fact that they're all obviously evil and/or insane, but still...
Why is it that the Labour Party cant compete with the Tories when it comes to equal opportunities for the evil and/or insane ?
Nick watt on newsnight has just said he has been told that it highly likely that the leadership contest will start next week
Why is it that the Labour Party cant compete with the Tories when it comes to equal opportunities for the evil and/or insane ?

Obviously not what I meant. You don't think it matters that to the casual observer, the mainstream right-wing party in English politics appears to be more successful than the mainstream left wing party at promoting anything like a representative level of diversity at the highest level? I think it does - not least because of the establishment-appeasing postions most of those representatives of diversity end up taking in order to retain their status in as unwelcoming an environment as the Tory party.
This is a weird picture alright. But it should shame the Labour Party somewhat that it's the Tories who are able to field five candidates only one of whom is white, and she's a woman. Not saying that makes up for the fact that they're all obviously evil and/or insane, but still...

I imagine an Asian PM would send quite a strong message to e.g. European Liberals who like to claim the UK is one of the most racist countries in Europe, when it's actually one of the least racist.
The Guardian features this rather odd picture of the presumed) contenders:

View attachment 331117

Why is Sunak, second shortest at 5'7", shown towering over the apparently six-foot tall Braverman, not to mention five-foot-ten Zahalwi and five-foot-eight Javid? Is the Guardian getting behind Dishi?
People get pissy when you photograph (or mock one up) where women are taller than men.
I imagine an Asian PM would send quite a strong message to e.g. European Liberals who like to claim the UK is one of the most racist countries in Europe, when it's actually one of the least racist.

A good message or a bad one? OK, it'd be disingenuous of most other countries' citizen's to claim that the UK's more racist than them, but it's still a massive problem here too. Don't want to spend another few years having to listen to that 'post-racial society' bullshit all over again. Of course, the likelihood is that we'd hear that bullshit under a Tory or Labour Asian PM, and the fact that we'd hear that clearly isn't an argument against having one. But there'd be a big difference between a Prime Minister Javid and a Prime Minister Lammy (not that Lammy represents my political inclinations in many ways - just picking him as representative of someone on the Labour side who is at least prepared to be outspoken about racism).
Theres an interesting historic colonial/class dynamic of 'Indian' Tories:

Indian migration to Britain took place in two significant waves. The first was in the late 1940s and 50s, when migrants were recruited directly from India by successive governments to fill the labour shortage that resulted from the second world war. They mostly settled in the Midlands and the north-west of England, working in foundries and textile manufacturing. These migrants were heavily involved in building Britain’s antiracist and trade union movements in the 1950s and 60s, drawing on lessons learned from anti-colonial struggles back home to organise their communities in Britain. To this day, these communities are disproportionately working class and Labour voting.

The second wave of Indian migrants to Britain were the so-called “twice migrants” who arrived from east Africa in the 1960s and 70s, having been expelled or encouraged to leave by the newly independent regimes in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The families of our chancellor, home secretary and attorney general are all part of this latter group.

So how and why have their descendants become so prominent on the Tory frontbenches? The answer begins in 1895, with the creation of the British East Africa Protectorate. British officials envisioned the protectorate, which occupied roughly the same area as modern-day Kenya, as the “America of the Hindu”, a settler-colonial project to be led by Indians on behalf of the British.

In the early 20th century, thousands of Indians (mostly Goans, Gujaratis and Punjabis) were imported into east Africa as subcolonial agents of civilisation. They were required to work in colonial administration and serve in the colonial police and army, to keep the “native peoples” in order. "
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In the same way that electing Obama sent the message that the US isn't a racist country?

Obama didn’t replace Bush as Republican party president though, if he had, it would have sent that sort of message. Sunak as PM would certainly have liberal Germans thinking what it would take to have a German Chancellor of Turkish origin for example.
Obama didn’t replace Bush as Republican party president though, if he had, it would have sent that sort of message. Sunak as PM would certainly have liberal Germans thinking what it would take to have a German Chancellor of Turkish origin for example.

Yes, but 'sending a positive message' about the possibility of a black or brown person reaching the highest office - which yes, it would do by definition - isn't the same as achieving concrete positive steps forward in tackling racism of any kind, from street violence to white supremacist societal structures, is it? Not unless you're also vocal and serious about recognising the vast compromises with those structures that that person would have had to make - which none of the people bandying about these positive messages would be.

E2a: I'm aware I sort of look like I'm arguing against myself considering I started by suggesting that visible representation matters. It does, even if it's only the tip of the mother of all fucking icebergs here, and its embarrassing that it'll suggest to anyone not paying close attention that the Tories have done better at ... whatever you do to get rid of icebergs (maintaining global warming, I guess, but that confuses my metaphor somewhat ...)
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Yes, but 'sending a positive message' about the possibility of a black or brown person reaching the highest office - which yes, it would do by definition - isn't the same as achieving concrete positive steps forward in tackling racism of any kind, from street violence to white supremacist societal structures, is it? Not unless you're also vocal and serious about recognising the vast compromises with those structures that that person would have had to make - which none of the people bandying about these positive messages would be.

I never claimed any of that tbf.

Just heard of this cunt Steve Baker

I think I've seen it suggested or at least implied by some pro-EU British liberals, including here on Urban, but that's not quite the same thing
Modern Britain can be a terribly racist place. But it's peanuts compared to the shit that goes on in France. There's still a healthy sized group out there that reckons the Vichy government was a good thing because it helped to get rid of the Jews.
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