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Tory Leadership contest 2022

i don't think any of them actually believe in it anymore, especially not the ridiculous man whose ridiculous job is now to seek for the benefits of it and who hasn't yet found any so he keeps asking people to write to him with suggestions via the daily mail.
The only mystery is why they think the voters still do ( believe in it or care about voting for a "brexiteer" six years later).
Incidentally, Labour have missed their moment with this vonc. Was never going to pass, but it's an irrelevance now as the Tories have 'moved on'.
Incidentally, Labour have missed their moment with this vonc. Was never going to pass, but it's an irrelevance now as the Tories have 'moved on'.

It's just to give them a zinger at the next PMQs or whatever. Oh they all turned on him last week but then this week they vote to keep him haha.
Be interesting if johnson himself has to defend the voice.

Edit: feckin autocorrect, vonc.
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Someones predictions that the Guardian took note of earlier today:

They are going to update their predictions as things move along, so I'll probably keep posting them as this happens.

I don’t see Truss wining amongst MPs, and I don’t think members will leapfrog her over the MP’s favourite. That has only happened once with IDS vs Clarke and in that case the MPs vote was extremely close, which I don’t think it will be this time.
I can't predict who the m.p.'s will vote for, but I reckon that the Tory rank and file don't like taxes very much. If Sunak were to be standing against anyone else who was white then their innate prejudices will make them vote against him, using his record on taxes as the excuse. If there were two non-white candidates then who knows? Or am I being unfair on members of the Tory party?
Until the story about Sunak's wife's tax arrangements, he was firmly in the lead amongst party members in polling by Conservation Home, which tends to be fairly accurate.
I don’t see Truss wining amongst MPs, and I don’t think members will leapfrog her over the MP’s favourite. That has only happened once with IDS vs Clarke and in that case the MPs vote was extremely close, which I don’t think it will be this time.
The mp’s vote is 100% irrelevant when it comes to the members’ vote. IDS stood against Clarke and portaloo, splitting the votes almost equally. The members then went 2-1 eurosceptic, as they nearly always had. The exception was Cameron, possibly cos they were sick of losing.
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