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Tory Leadership contest 2022

Trolling. Like that MP giving the finger to protesters outside number 10. Or Cameron naming Elton Rifles as a desert Island disc. Tories these days aren’t even trying to hide their venal selves as they know enough fools will give them their vote and mandate. So these days it’s ‘You don’t like us? We don’t care.’. Millwall basically.
i think anyone whose name is not completely easy to say or spell hasn't got a chance, the party membership will never vote for someone they can't effortlessly pronounce. (still think it'll be liz truss)
Nominations close at 6pm today. Remember that in the past MPs have often received fewer nominations than the number of colleagues who have professed public support.:D
Tories could never do what Labour MPs did though, and lend a late nomination to someone they didn't really favour because they thought that particular strand of politics should be represented in the debate?

Could they?
Zero support for Rehman


Man is an absolute tool. I saw him being interviewed by Ben Brown on BBC News yesterday and he's got no chance (and no supporters). It's shameless posturing for some sort of ministerial role.
Tories could never do what Labour MPs did though, and lend a late nomination to someone they didn't really favour because they thought that particular strand of politics should be represented in the debate?

Could they?
What like voting for Rory Stewart so he could be the one attacking Johnson in the debate?
Wonder what it feels like to be a tory party member and watch this parade of laughable crap. I hope it feels a bit embarrassing at least? Or like looking at a menu of shit sandwiches.

i mean..
Screenshot 2022-07-12 at 11.06.19.png

Tugendhat is ex-Army so he'd surely be able to take the others out..? :hmm:
And Mordaunt is a naval reservist...

As for what the tory party members think - although I don't know any personally I wouldn't be astounded to learn that a great number have left in disgust in the last few years, particularly after Johnson's cull, leaving an ever more rabid right wing rump behind.
In all but one of the Tory leadership elections this century the members have backed the candidate who got most votes amongst MPs, usually by a similar proportion.
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