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Tory Leadership contest 2022

I’ve been reading the wiki entry on the contest. It won’t be resolved till early September :facepalm:

Hope I’m wrong.

They plan to have it down to the short-list of two before parliament goes into recess next week.

Then it's out to the party members, with the suggestion it will be settled well before parliament returns on 5th Sept.
Good analysis from Peter Osborne explaining the priorities of Johnson and the Tories.

Really? Brown, Cameron and May did not lie? They Tory party has not had links with super rich individuals prior to ~2019?
It is pretty naive (or dishonest) suff from Oborne. A fantasy of once honourable politics.

The lies about austerity were every bit as harmful as anything Johnson has come out with (if not more so).

EDIT: If only we could go back to the coalition government and its honourable behaviour
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I hope this line of questioning is sustained and applied to all the vermin candidates, like picking at a scab.

Slimy fucker...

View attachment 331739

On Sunday morning he was being specific that he was tax located in US and Singapore at various points. It sounded to me like he wasn’t totally happy with the line of questioning. Hopefully some financial journalists are digging deep at the moment.
On Sunday morning he was being specific that he was tax located in US and Singapore at various points. It sounded to me like he wasn’t totally happy with the line of questioning. Hopefully some financial journalists are digging deep at the moment.
The stash will all be in the BVI/Cayman Islands or somewhere similar.
Really? Brown, Cameron and May did not lie? They Tory party has not had links with super rich individuals prior to ~2019?
It is pretty naive (or dishonest) suff from Oborne. A fantasy of once honourable politics.

The lies about austerity were every bit as harmful as anything Johnson has come out with (if not more so).

Precisely. This idea that a nation has been laid low by a populist demagogue - and the suggestion that most problems can be traced to that one person and that their removal solves the problems - is both profoundly misleading and disorientating.

That line of argument might make sense to the old establishment seeking to reestablish its legitimacy and position (although those on here lapping up the rambling of a washed up Tory is less easy to understand) . But, the old order will soon find out that most people do not share their obsession with Johnson as cause rather than symptom. As winter sets in, as fuel bills rise and recession kicks in, todays tax cutters and warriors on woke will feel the popular chill again soon enough.
The whole concept of a candidate who is standing as pro-someone else is absolutely remarkable.

Javid seems to be taking the opposite tack, positioning himself as the candidate for change

Tories face 'electoral oblivion' if they do not change, Javid says

"Over the last couple of years, our reputation on most values and policies has slid away," he says. "Too many people now believe that Labour are fit to govern. Some of them say that Labour are more competent and even more likely to cut taxes."

Javid adds that the political situation was starting to "feel very familiar", referring to the Tory party's defeat in 1997, saying: "The way things were going recently, I feared our party was on a trajectory to the same electoral oblivion once again."
Javid seems to be taking the opposite tack, positioning himself as the candidate for change
That might've held water had he stayed out of cabinet until last year, having resigned as Chancellor in early 2020 due to Cummings being a cunt. On an exclusively Tory scale he'd have looked morally principled.
Really? Brown, Cameron and May did not lie? They Tory party has not had links with super rich individuals prior to ~2019?
It is pretty naive (or dishonest) suff from Oborne. A fantasy of once honourable politics.

The lies about austerity were every bit as harmful as anything Johnson has come out with (if not more so).

EDIT: If only we could go back to the coalition government and its honourable behaviour

TBF Oborne said "lying all the time", not that Brown, Cameron and May never lied. Johnson's lies are different - they are frequent, usually are really obvious and he doesn't care if they are proved to be lies even to his face.

Likewise, and I have difficulty just typing this, even Cameron's government was more honourable than this one. It was incompetent, corrupted, dishonest and acted with very little honour but it was better than this one which is truly horrifying.
Brown, Cameron, Clegg and May lied all the time they all presented austerity as political necessity rather than as a choice and so justified and enacted far more damage to society than the Johnson government has achieved in its time.

I'll agree that Johnson's lies are more blatant but they are also far less damaging.
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