I agree with you about the hold breaking. Promising.
Pretty much the same reason they put Obama in, they need to get beyond the trap they are stuck in, another twenty years PLUS of ''tewwowism'', how's that for a lark ?
Bush was asked over a month prior to the election, who he thought would win, he said Obama, Bush had been given his marching orders, but so has Brown.
Brown's already said he wants to stay on as party leader, even in opposition.
Obama had a chance of a 'political solution' in Afghanistan, but didn't, couldn't, wouldn't etc operate it.
So now its business as usual, the war goes on, they hope the new push thats about to begin will change the situation, some hope, pigs will fly.
The conservative have proposed an all party war commitee, and the others have not refused, so capitalism will not be happy, its not a solution.
They are fully aware that a political solution could end it, but they are lost in space, they don't know who pulls the strings on the other side. Its not like the Vietnam war, where there were two combatant enemies, this one is like chasing the mist.
It's a slow bleeding to death, Greece now, billions to bail it out, who's next ?
Nigeria has been pulled in, panty bomber. Does international capitalism procure a new civil war, to separate the delta and the oil from the majority of the country, the Nigerians are at present discussing it.
Internationally the masses are turning on their own governments, so they will have to do something to try to settle people down.
International capitalism cannot really have them in again, but at the same time they don't want the population here to break with the illusion of the B.N.L.P. as a ''labour party'', trapped for now.
And the B.N.L.P. is openly an imperialist party.
And, I think, the mould will be broken.
Haven't people noticed as yet, how nationalistic the discussion is on forums like this ?
Yet politics is now very much led by international economics, as with Greece, many more can be added.
The ''recession'' is over, that we read in the newspapers recently 0.1%, so where did Greece fit in the picture, its there now. Unemployment is still rising, houses prices are said to have risen, but thats only people putting up the price to offset the drop in value of the currency. Money is devaluing.