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    Lazy Llama

Tory lead cut to 6% in poll ..

I reckon labour will win it again, there's too many people who hate the tories

The 'Tory party' ended in the 1830's, what year are some people living in ?

What in this day and age is a 'Tory'', except diminishing piles of dead bones mouldering in old graves.

Neil Kinnock was renowned for his insistence that everything that was bad was the fault of the Tories, but he could never produce a single one.
He was also renowned as 'team captain' for never being able to get down on the field and play the game, lost every match.
Very diff to get a 6% swing from left to right - I think I heard on the radio that it has historically never been done (the best was 5.7% in 1979).

That was the ''hate vote' when Callaghans government heped put thatcher in, we had much of the same in 1997 when the 'favour' was returned and 'New Labour' was put in by the conservatives, two sides of the same 'coin', made throughout of the same metal.
This has hardened

UPDATE: The full figures are CON 38%(nc), LAB 31%(+2), LDEM 19%(nc), so the narrowing of the lead is down to Labour increasing their support – like YouGov, BPIX and MORI, ComRes have Labour up above 30% and in the case of ComRes it is the first time for almost exactly a year.
CON 38%(nc), LAB 31%(+2), LDEM 19%(nc),

Con and lib dem no change, so where is the new labour extra 2 % coming from ?
have the whips been out, telling members to fill in polls ?
CON 38%(nc), LAB 31%(+2), LDEM 19%(nc),

Con and lib dem no change, so where is the new labour extra 2 % coming from ?
have the whips been out, telling members to fill in polls ?

yeah, and where are the other 12% of the electorate eh? Has New Labour been out herding them into Gordon Brown's secret death camps in Berkshire? Hmm? Eh?

yeah, and where are the other 12% of the electorate eh? Has New Labour been out herding them into Gordon Brown's secret death camps in Berkshire? Hmm? Eh?


You don't need death camps in Berkshire. Just herding people into that benighted county is enough to kill them. :(
Urban 75 posters, Go'd'n Brown sent out a request.

Now you have a stab as to who they were ? Who'd you think were the most likely to support him ?

Floaters. People who've weighed up the Cameron schtick against the Brown schtick, and found Davey-boy wanting.
Yeah, people prefer to be hit with the battered schtick of Brown than the shiny new spikey schtick of Cameron :cool:

I hope that eventually people will see sense. When there's a choice between two bunches of greedy self centred bullying bastards, you are better off being governed by the bunch that has a crap leader. Sometimes the last thing you want is competence.
Floaters. People who've weighed up the Cameron schtick against the Brown schtick, and found Davey-boy wanting.

Urban 75 posters, Go'd'n Brown sent out a request.
Now you have a stab as to who they were ? Who'd you think were the most likely to support him ?

Sorry violentpanda, didn't mean generally who voted, but specifically, who posting on here would support the 'new labour party'.

[Name them and shame them !!!]

I think you have a point, but in the past tense to me, previous elections, there is a good chance that this election will 'break the mould', just my opinion.
In general terms -
With the polls at this stage there will be 'floaters', all results will be considered by the main parties, even 'unemployed conferences' will be studied and analysed, which is why people call/organise them, it's another form of poll covering a specific sector.

What can upset polls, is people 'deliberately' filling them in wrongly, with false opinions, we may get some of that as the election comes closer.

Brown became prime minister without an election, through a deal with Blair, they both denied such a deal, but now Brown has admitted it did exist, many in the electorate will be happy to see him lose.

Because of the destruction of the old labour party; all those who stayed and became founders of the 'new party', were responsible for the ending of the old party, revenge can be sweet.

There are lots of old party members, all ex, try to find any that will support the 'new party', they almost don't exist.

Voting for any of the 'three', will be much the same for most workers, the coporate companies will decide which of them will be in their interests the most, that more than anything will be a decider.

Internationally the 'new labour party' is losing out, it's argument that its a direct continuation of the old party, is now completely feeble, not just workers here that are waking up, imperialism is hard to hide.

My hope is that workers will not 'work for them', even at the 'national wage rate' anyone working for them ''freely'' in elections will be contributing money to their coffers, any money donations will help them keep going, so hopefully people will stop contribution whichever way.
Let their millionaire friends pay.

It will be nice to see them lose, with extremely large debts, it should drop them in a hole they can't get out of.
If they lose it will be followed by desertions, not just in Parliment, but directly from the branches in many wards.
are the great british public (R) more likely to vote for LAbour is A Milli A Milli A Milli A Milli Milliband gets to the top seat
BNP Paribas reckon we are getting a hung Parliament

The opinion polls highlight a significant risk of a hung parliament and the likely evolution of the economic data in the months ahead is likely to make such a situation even harder to avoid. While we accept that the polls overlook the Conservatives’ likely dominance in key marginal seats, we believe a hung parliament is now likely.
what if the next coup attempt is successful before the election? desperation or the feeling of causes people to do crazy things

A 'coup' cannot be successful without Brown resigning and it was demonstrated to all that have ears and eyes that this is not going to happen, and that he doesn't need to when these clowns did their attempt a few weeks back.
How do we reckon a Hung Parliament would play out then?

18 months of Labour opposing a Con/LD coalition before the cracks show and a GE is called? If Labour can gain ground against Cameron now, then I reckon they can gain it even faster in opposition against Cameron/Clegg.
what if the next coup attempt is successful before the election? desperation or the feeling of causes people to do crazy things

Labour Party rules say Brown goes nowhere unless he wants to pretty much. Certainly don't make 'coups' likely to succeed
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