It's not immigration as such, but jobs.
If New Labour supporters didn't change and vote B.N.P., then where have so many of the B.N.P. votes come from ?
The British New Labour party [B.N.L.P.] has been riddled with right wing nationalism since 2001, all prepared earlier, the old labour party is dead, r.i.p.
The B.N.P. has two Euro M.P.'s, where do people think they got the votes from ?
Prior to the election, all three major parties suddenly agreed that the B.N.P. could win seats, and they did.
The B.N.L.P.'s quota of 'black and asia' voters is very small at the present time, large numbers have already broken with the 'party', the shindig's over, there's a good chance that soon the 'wake' will begin.