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Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

Tommy Robinson is a naughty boy

(Also, Lauren Southern is still far right, she's just courting TERFs now.)

ETA: is Goddard the bloke behind the Manchester Collective? I used to see their stickers in my area saying shit like 'Never trust a lefty with your kids'. I wonder if my local far right activist is the same one who's been putting up anti-5G posters near the electrical station and promoting Christopher Chope's antivaxx campaign.
He was around the Manchester collective and along with Tom English and John Lawrence provided a lot of gob and a 'physical presence' but the core activist was Jim Edward ( photo below) or Jolting Jim as he was fondly known due to his recreational use. Goddard joined them when he was going out with Ashlea Simon, whose surname was Robyn then who was living in Salford ( I think) , he moved up that end from the Liecester area.


There was a number of oddballs around the Manchester Collective , which was set up as a local anti left 'free speech ' group who didnt want to tarvel too far and mainly harassed soft targets around SUTR. They included Jimmy the Hat Robertson , Goddard , John Lawrence, Ashlea Simon , David Jones, Jim Edwards, Tom English, Kim 'Jones' Kinell. Some of which joined then left Britain First , UK yellow Vests , then the National Housing Party .

Jim Edwards, who is a holocaust denier and fan of Oswald Mossley , became a Brexit candidate but then got identified, outed and expelled.


Lawrence and Edwards along with two thers got a hiding and were stabbed in a robbery when they went to buy drugs in Piccadilly Gardens early hours .
Tommy Robinson is a naughty boy

(Also, Lauren Southern is still far right, she's just courting TERFs now.)

ETA: is Goddard the bloke behind the Manchester Collective? I used to see their stickers in my area saying shit like 'Never trust a lefty with your kids'. I wonder if my local far right activist is the same one who's been putting up anti-5G posters near the electrical station and promoting Christopher Chope's antivaxx campaign.
Wasn't he (Goddard) the guy that assaulted Owen Jones?
If you are thinking of the assault in the London pub , no.

There was a pack like bullying/ harassment incident involving Goddard and some other yellow vest types against Jones outside Parliament.
didnt he also bust intp an anarchist bookshop and film himself being a twat?
didnt he also bust intp an anarchist bookshop and film himself being a twat?
Yup , he's a gobshite who will try and bully people who he thinks won't fight back. He was with some people from a group that was mainly in UKIP . I think a couple were expelled but it was at that time when their leadership, UKIP, had invited SYL and Danny Dimwit to join them so lots of crossover.
Oh FFS, he's STILL whining about COVID? Lockdown ended 2 years ago and it feels like COVID never happened now, apart from the odd sign and hand sanitiser machines being everywhere. And yet there's a whole festival dedicated to whining about COVID (Jam for Freedom, although tbf it has transphobia on the menu too). He got what he wanted and he's still complaining?
The film was about two-tier policing and was essentially a homage to the Stewart Lee “these days they’ll lock you up if you say you’re English” sketch. A lot of footage of “Tommy” being arrested followed by footage of Muslims or pro-Palestine protestors not being arrested. It wasn’t subtle.

There was a great deal of anti-immigration anti-Islam stuff from the stage also.

Roughly 750k people watching the livestream when I was. I assume that’s a global audience though.
The film was about two-tier policing and was essentially a homage to the Stewart Lee “these days they’ll lock you up if you say you’re English” sketch. A lot of footage of “Tommy” being arrested followed by footage of Muslims or pro-Palestine protestors not being arrested. It wasn’t subtle.

There was a great deal of anti-immigration anti-Islam stuff from the stage also.

Roughly 750k people watching the livestream when I was. I assume that’s a global audience though.
Also worth noting the presence of a few Iranian right wing anti Muslim types .
Well, the fact pro-Palestine protestors don't tend to start fights while being coked off their tits probably explains why they're not getting arrested. Remember the fun and games at the Cenotaph when a bunch of people decided they were going to defend it because Football Hooligan Telegram claimed Palestine protestors were going to attack it? Even though they weren't there until later and the march was nowhere near the Cenotaph?
Well, the fact pro-Palestine protestors don't tend to start fights while being coked off their tits probably explains why they're not getting arrested. Remember the fun and games at the Cenotaph when a bunch of people decided they were going to defend it because Football Hooligan Telegram claimed Palestine protestors were going to attack it? Even though they weren't there until later and the march was nowhere near the Cenotaph?
Football Hooligan Telegram and the then-Home Secretary, to be precise.
There's a lot of fetishism of D Day in this part of Lincolnshire. There's flags on some houses saying DDay 80 Lest we forget, there's St George's flags and Union Flag all over the place. There's a strong anti immigrants feel about the area. It can be very uncomfortable.

I was going to wear my Spain shirt to go to the bar to watch the Euro but I think I'll stay home. I'm not sure I'd be safe.
TERF activists have been spotted handing out leaflets at TR demos. This is my surprised face. Nothing says supporting women's rights like supporting a man who encouraged his supporters to brigade a DV hotline for offering services to Asian women who can't speak English.

The irony of D-Day celebrations being anti-immigrant is that D-Day was multicultural. It wasn't just us, the Americans and the French. Canada had their own beach, Norway were involved as well, so were Australia, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, South Africa, what is now Zimbabwe, Poland, Greece and New Zealand.
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