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Tommy Robinson is a horrible man

"What am I going to do today? Well the pubs are open, cokes fairly cheap at the minute, too....ah but the weather's shit....I know I'll spend my Saturday afternoon trolling an Internet forum."

Pornhub.com (I promise its more fun)
"What am I going to do today? Well the pubs are open, cokes fairly cheap at the minute, too....ah but the weather's shit....I know I'll spend my Saturday afternoon trolling an Internet forum."

Pornhub.com (I promise its more fun)
Hahaha. U chat so much shit... my local pub is closed and coke is still expensive and the weather is actually quite nice....oh who am I kidding....im sitting at home with a gram and a whiskey about to have a wank..
No I'm not racist.. Islam is a belief and a social construct not a race..
I hate all religion...I personally beleive that religion is the root of all evil .. think about how many wars we've had over what god is the best...it's fucking stupid... Idk..I'm just ventjng
Your "No I'm not racist" disclaimer says otherwise.
Oh. good grief.
sweet muhamid pbuh :rolleyes: 🤮

A thread we can do without, apart from the entertainment value of pointing & laughing at it !
Hahaha. U chat so much shit... my local pub is closed and coke is still expensive and the weather is actually quite nice....oh who am I kidding....im sitting at home with a gram and a whiskey about to have a wank..

to one of Tommy speech's?
Oh? I take it you have some figures to support this claim? A pie or bar chart will do.
Well I've done a voting system where everybody sticks one piece of red Lego on top of eachother if they agree with me and so far I've go a tower of 31 legos and it's nearly touching the ceiling so yeah I can support this claim
Hahaha. U chat so much shit... my local pub is closed and coke is still expensive and the weather is actually quite nice....oh who am I kidding....im sitting at home with a gram and a whiskey about to have a wank..
There are other pubs, mind.
Or are you banned from there too.
You've been here before haven't you. And you're not a young person or you wouldn't have said 'put that in your pipe and smoke it' - no one under fifty says that.
I'm 14 actually and my dad taught me that phrase, so I know how to spell it thank you.. he said to me to post this and personally I'm not sure what I belef but he sas ever
There are other pubs, mind.
Or are you banned from there too.
How do u know I'm barred from my local? Hav u bin spyin on mi ?
Islam may or may not be shit really depends on the Individual Muslim and their actions.
Somebody who thinks all kaffirs must die but sits on his xbox all day is bardly worth bothering about.

More worried about the so called tolerant muslim who wants to take action to protect muslims feelings.
Freedom from religion is as important as religious freedom you ha e the right to belive what you want you dont have the right to expect anyone else to care a out your relegion.
Still miserable and lonely because you're such a cunt Ninjaboy? Still living at your mum's house because she's the only woman you know who doesn't hate you but you hate her?
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