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third position fascism

Mainly because we're not able to trot one out. This topic (lefties sucking up to jihadis) has been discussed on here ad nauseam over the years tbh. The earliest was about 2004.
Yeah, and I'm new here, and I only casually mentioned it as a possible discussion point and was swiftly accused of being racist and then boring. Just as well I didn't start it.

Apologies for bringing it up then, and thanks for mentioning it's been discussed frogwoman, I'll have a look for those threads.

That might have been a decent thing for someone to have mentioned straight off rather than throwing accusations and insults around. Oh well, and people wonder why the left is a bit unapproachable and shit.
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Yeah, and I\m new here, and I only casually mentioned it as a possible discussion point and was swiftly accused of being racist and then boring. Just as well I didn't start it. Oh well, and people wonder why the left is a bit unapproachable and shit.

Apologies for bringing it up then.

Tbh its worth discussing militant jihadism is defo in the ascendancy for a few reasons. It's just that discussions about if theres anything unique about islam tend not to go anywhere.. whats worth discussing is the social conditions within muslim countries / muslim communities within the west that lend themselves to these loons finding a more fertile audience than say wirathu would if he encouraged buddhists to blow themselves up over here
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Homophobia, patriarchy, racism, xenophobia... the usual collection of things that all/most religions have within them in some way. Does even mentioning that these exist within some parts of the Muslim religious community make me a racist? That's a serious question by the way. Surely we should be able to discuss these things so people can make their mind up without being denounced?

Yes, singling out Islam as a particularly pernicious repository of such tendencies does indeed make you a racist. Not consciously, but objectively.

Furthermore, at an historical juncture where the West is engaged in a new wave of neo-imperialist adventures against primarily Muslim powers, it's not difficult to see the ideological uses of anti-Islamic discourse. Thus you are also an unwitting agent of neo-colonialism.

I suggest that you direct your hostility against a more appropriate target. Capitalism is the true source of evil in today's world. If you want to criticize something, criticize that.
Yes, singling out Islam as a particularly pernicious repository of such tendencies does indeed make you a racist. Not consciously, but objectively.

Furthermore, at an historical juncture where the West is engaged in a new wave of neo-imperialist adventures against primarily Muslim powers, it's not difficult to see the ideological uses of anti-Islamic discourse. Thus you are also an unwitting agent of neo-colonialism.

I suggest that you direct your hostility against a more appropriate target. Capitalism is the true source of evil in today's world. If you want to criticize something, criticize that.

Pretty gob smackingly patronizing, reading things that weren't there into what I've written, telling me I'm both a racist (objectively no less!) and an unwitting agent of neo-colonialism, assuming what I do with the vast majority of my political activity, making the very odd point that capitalism is the 'true source of evil' (what are you, some kind of religious moral leftie?), and also trying to limit and artifically boundary any discussion of what's going on in the world today (how exactly can we discuss what's going on without critically examining every aspect of power and politics I'm not sure, do you sound a klaxon when someone discusses something that's not the one true evil?), that was an incredible piece of writing all squeezed into a few lines.

You fucking dull, full-of-yourself, slightly delusional saddo phildwyer, I bet you're a bundle of laughs to have a pint with.
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Pretty gob smackingly patronizing, reading things that weren't there into what I've written, telling me I'm both a racist (objectively no less!) and an unwitting agent of neo-colonialism, assuming what I do with the vast majority of my political activity, making the very odd point that capitalism is the 'true source of evil' (what are you, some kind of religious moral leftie?), and also trying to limit and artifically boundary any discussion of what's going on in the world today (how exactly can we discuss what's going on without critically examining every aspect of power and politics I'm not sure, do you sound a klaxon when someone discusses something that's not the one true evil?), that was an incredible piece of writing all squeezed into a few lines.

You fucking dull, full-of-yourself, slightly delusional saddo phildwyer, I bet you're a bundle of laughs to have a pint with.

You know when you've been dwyered.
Homophobia, patriarchy, racism, xenophobia... the usual collection of things that all/most religions have within them in some way. Does even mentioning that these exist within some parts of the Muslim religious community make me a racist? That's a serious question by the way. Surely we should be able to discuss these things so people can make their mind up without being denounced?

These aren't exclusive to religion and predate monotheism, as well as being tolerated by secular theology.
Pretty gob smackingly patronizing, reading things that weren't there into what I've written, telling me I'm both a racist (objectively no less!) and an unwitting agent of neo-colonialism, assuming what I do with the vast majority of my political activity, making the very odd point that capitalism is the 'true source of evil' (what are you, some kind of religious moral leftie?), and also trying to limit and artifically boundary any discussion of what's going on in the world today (how exactly can we discuss what's going on without critically examining every aspect of power and politics I'm not sure, do you sound a klaxon when someone discusses something that's not the one true evil?), that was an incredible piece of writing all squeezed into a few lines.

You fucking dull, full-of-yourself, slightly delusional saddo phildwyer, I bet you're a bundle of laughs to have a pint with.

Leftism is a type of bourgeois secular theology that relies upon mystification. Dwyer's a leftist. Objectively speaking leftism isn't revolutionary. I wouldn't waste your time with it.
Leftism is a type of bourgeois secular theology that relies upon mystification. Dwyer's a leftist. Objectively speaking leftism isn't revolutionary. I wouldn't waste your time with it.

And I thought Dwyer talked bollocks, but you take the cake. Care to name something that isn't "bourgeois secular theology"? Or something that is revolutionary, perhaps?

Because otherwise your view would seem to constitute little more than self-defeating fatalism in which another world isn't possible. Which strikes me as exactly the kind of thing the ruling classes want. The last thing they want is for the proles to get it into their heads that there is an alternative.
And I thought Dwyer talked bollocks, but you take the cake. Care to name something that isn't "bourgeois secular theology"? Or something that is revolutionary, perhaps?

Because otherwise your view would seem to constitute little more than self-defeating fatalism in which another world isn't possible. Which strikes me as exactly the kind of thing the ruling classes want. The last thing they want is for the proles to get it into their heads that there is an alternative.

You do realise that left communists, anarcho-communists, some autonomists, and ultra-leftists etc virulently denounce leftism, don't you?

Leftism is an ideology of capitalism. Be that social democracy, or various state socialisms. Revolutionaries today are not leftists.
You do realise that left communists, anarcho-communists, some autonomists, and ultra-leftists etc virulently denounce leftism, don't you?

Leftism is an ideology of capitalism. Be that social democracy, or various state socialisms. Revolutionaries today are not leftists.

Leftism isn't an ideology, it's a cluster of ideologies. Did left communism spring forth fully formed out of the ether? Or did it arise partly out of criticism and/or other derivations of other leftist ideologies?
Leftism isn't an ideology, it's a cluster of ideologies. Did left communism spring forth fully formed out of the ether? Or did it arise partly out of criticism and/or other derivations of other leftist ideologies?

Leftism as a whole is an ideology. There are tendencies, yes. Trotskyism, Maoism, Social democracy, democratic self-management, but it's not an anti-politics of negation but a politics of accommodation. Lenin and co. couldn't escape from the leftism rampant in the workers movement and Marxism's marriage with social democracy, but that's neither here nor there.

The left communists went beyond social democracy and its derivations. Criticism does not equate to being a part of said ideology. That way you could argue that the french Nouvelle droite is part of the left, because it uses bastardised left concepts to criticise the vulgar far right. The left communist milieu (certainly not the Bordiguists who are very specific) would for instance see support to national liberation struggles, antifa, and participation in bourgeois parliaments as counter revolutionary today. That's not something you can claim for leftism.
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Going back to CasaPound - here's a demonstration of how it's on a whole different level than the dregs we have over here. And yes, this was published on the site of the project that Stephen O' Malley from Sunn O))) was involved with.
Is that link OK? Or is it one of their sites? If so I don't think I'll be clicking on it.
You couldn't hit an asbestos barn door with "an historical juncture where the West is engaged in a new wave of neo-imperialist adventures against primarily Muslim powers." You just couldn't.
I tell you what, I don't remember the questions on Bullseye being this hard
Can't speak for Rome as I don't know it very well but I can tell you that for
t CasaPound/similar event (there are several other groups with the same basic ideology, like Gioventù Nazionale and Identitari Sociali Nazionali) in Turin and in Milan, recent attempts by them to organize and hold marches/demos have been in almost every instance hindered by the much larger antifa turnout. They have no foothold here. In Turin they have one pub, that's about it. There is a fash squat too but I don't think it's Casa Pound. It's incredible however, how much the local rag (turin's equivalent of the manchester evening news) sides with the fash and even gives voice to representatives of CasaPound, complaining about antifa graffiti and what not.
There was a CasaPound in the Aosta area iirc. I didn't see much evidence of them in Milan, but I lived in an Antifa stronghold it seemed.
Also, why are that sort always pagan? Is it just a fashion thing amongst these fuckwits?

There's been a large current in neo-pagansim - for at least the last 30 years - toward hard rightism. Various Euro-right philosophers have rhapsodised about pre-Christian cultures and their values, and in the US "Nordic" and "Germanic" strains of neo-paganism have long been replete with white supremacists. It boils down to myths of cultural purity - myths which, if you read actual history, you soon find to be unsubstantiated by culturally-untidy fact.
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