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The Queen's Christmas Broadcast

Did you watch the Queen on Christmas Day?

  • My parents made me watch it when I was a child

    Votes: 10 27.8%
  • I time my Christmas meal so we can all be sitting around the telly to watch it

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I don't even celebrate Christmas so why would I bother watching her?

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I don't celebrate Christmas, but I enjoyed watching the Queen's broadcast that day

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adam Lambert is not as good as Freddy Mercury, although close.

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • The telly is on in the background on Christmas Day, so I watched the Queen by osmosis/accident

    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I have never watched it, and am not ashamed to admit it

    Votes: 16 44.4%
  • I am ashamed to admit that I watched it every year

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • How many options has this poll got? Shall I choose this one as well?

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • I used to watch it but I certainly won't be watching the King's Broadcast

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not watched it for years, probably not since my Gran died.

Heard it on the morning radio transmission occasionally.
Part of our Christmas tradition growing up was that the TV did not get switched on on Christmas Day, so no. Never felt the need to watch it as an adult either.
When my mum was alive she used to time Christmas lunch so it was more or less over in time for the Queen's Speech. Most of the family would watch it but I can't say I always paid attention.

My brother and his girlfriend make a point of switching on the TV specifically to watch the speech. So, if I'm with them I watch it but otherwise I wouldn't bother.
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