Tired and unemotional
Even if the explanation isn't bullshit, you have to wonder why the Home Office waited so long before coming up with this supposedly benign explanation.Cough, bullshit, cough...
At 7.12pm on 26 March 2021, the Home Office released a statement on Twitter which read: “It is wrong to claim the Home Office expenses that have been circulated today are the Home Secretary’s. They are department wide and for vital equipment like PPE. It is completely false to say the Home Office has spent money on beauty products, it was PPE. We make no apology for buying PPE to keep our staff safe during the pandemic. The spending in Primark was for asylum seekers who would have not had appropriate clothing when arriving in the UK. We are committed to delivering the best value for money for the British taxpayer, making sure every pound is spent in the most effective way.”
And, in any case, how on earth is it that a government procurement operation ends up buying PPE from an Albanian beauty products supplier? If nothing else, it's a damning indictment of just how fucked up our stockpiles and procurement process was (and, I imagine, still is).