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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel

'I want criminals to feel terror' - Priti Patel

Asked about her views on capital punishment - after she previously made comments in support of it - Ms Patel said: "I have never said I'm an active supporter of it and (what I said) is constantly taken out of context."

In 2011, Ms Patel spoke about the death penalty on the BBC's Question Time, where she said: "I do actually think when we have a criminal justice system that continuously fails in this country and where we have seen murderers, rapists and people who have committed the most abhorrent crimes in society, go into prison and then are released from prison to go out into the community to then re-offend and do the types of crime they have committed again and again.

"I think that's appalling. And actually on that basis alone I would actually support the reintroduction of capital punishment to serve as a deterrent."

Since when did it become acceptable to be so rubbish at telling lies?
She sure loves the deterrent angle doesn't she.

I'm sure in her mind she thinks it's possible to scare people out of doing crime.

The reality is that for some the fear is a thrill.
For others the fear is secondary to other concerns.
For some nothing as rational as consequences is considered in the heat of the moment.
Since when did a minister saying the state should inflict terror on its citizens pass without comment? The BBC are complicit in this shit.

It's the BBC reporting her comments in the Daily Mail, not an interview they had with her in which they could have challenged her opinions.

Anyway, I'm capable of forming my own opinions of her, without guidance from the state broadcaster
from this weeks popbitch

There's an unofficial test that a certain branch of the Civil Service conducts to make sure its briefing documents are written clearly enough so that even ministers of limited intellect are able to grasp them by a third reading.

For a while this was known as the 'Amber Rudd Test'. However, when Ms Rudd found herself promoted to the Home Office, those in the service felt it was maybe a little improper to name the test after someone who held one of the Great Offices Of State. So they changed it.

To the 'Priti Patel Test'.

Thanks to her surprise promotion last week, they're currently on the look-out for a new replacement.
Bad news for Brit expats if Spain decides to adopt the same policy

Priti Patel said only skilled, English-speaking workers will be welcome after Brexit.

The new home secretary has rolled out plans for a new point-based immigration system when Britain leaves the European Union.

She said decisions would be based on what someone can contribute rather than where they come from and pledged that she would be “tougher on those who abuse our hospitality”.

“We’ll give top priority to those with the highest skills and the greatest talents — to attract who add the most value to our economy.

“Those skilled workers will only be able to come here if they have a job offer from an employer registered with the Home Office and if they can speak English.”

Priti Patel says only “skilled, English-speaking workers welcome”

*thread title edited to more inclusive, umbrella compendium of Patel's stupidity.
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