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The ongoing stupidity of Home Secretary Priti Patel


Look at the Johnson cabinet and then try and convince me that such a selection of calamitous cunts could be assembled by conspiracy. Even in the USA Mercrers and thr the Kochs for all the money they spent have ended up with Trump as Republican President the least ideologically driven politician ever.

As to conspiracy theories, they always end up being about Jews and Masons or the Dalai Lamma There are no cabals of the rich pulling strings, controlling the course of history.
In regards to Trump. The agenda is tax cuts (to de-fund the social sphere so it can be destroyed), de-regulation and packing the courts with right wing judges. The main operators were Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan who are both very ideological. Trump’s there as a distraction while the real work gets done.
As regards our new PM and the cabinet. Their job is to deliver a no-deal Brexit and help break up the EU project. To divide to conquer and divide to rule. Which they will do. If you think they’re stupid you’re underestimating them.
It was a comment on your attitude to her constituents. You look down on them, so I used the language of those who scorn those who look down on those they see as inferior to themselves.

i don't look down on her constituents, i work alongside them, i hear some of them coming out with stuff just like patel does in the vid. To me it looks like the only one trying to look down on anyone is you.

You don't know enough of them to lay down a blanket cuss

a blanket cuss about some of her constituents who vote for her, is a funny old blanket full of holes.
In regards to Trump. The agenda is tax cuts (to de-fund the social sphere so it can be destroyed), de-regulation and packing the courts with right wing judges. The main operators were Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan who are both very ideological. Trump’s there as a distraction while the real work gets done.

Not a view of Paul Ryan shared by the decidedly pessimistic Paul Ryan

“Trumpism is a moment, a populist moment we’re in, that’s going to be here after Trump is gone. And that’s something that we’re going to have to learn how to deal with,” Ryan said. “I’m a traditional conservative, and traditional conservatives are definitely not ascendant in the party right now. ... We called our wing ‘the growth wing,’ and we won for a good 20 years. And now their wing is winning. But it’s cyclical. We beat the paleocons in the early '90s; they’re beating us now.

“The Reagan Republican wing beat the Rockefeller Republican wing,” Ryan concluded. “And now the Trump wing beat the Reagan wing.”

Inside Trump’s Feud With Paul Ryan
And whilst it's true that Trump has cut taxes for the rich he's also ramped up borrowing to pay for public expenditure; hardly the Randian way of doing things; more like old-fashioned Keynesianism.

Call Trump's tax cut what it was: Keynesian

And there is all the protectionism stuff, how does that tally with the neoliberal free-trade values?

Looking at the Mercer Family, cited as the éminence grise behind Trump. At he moment he can't get any money out of them, as they are disappointed with him.
Why the Mercers, Trump’s Biggest 2016 Backers, Have Bailed on Him

Robert Mercer is disillusioned. “Bob views all his political spending as a bad investment,” says a source close to Mercer. “This whole thing did not end up well for them,” says Sam Nunberg.
Not a chance IMO she'll always be a 'funny tinge' to true blue tories...she's just another tory trying to convince her party that her loyalities are to them over all else. Not uncommon with those who have perceived status and the resources that shield them from everyday inequalities.

Don’t be fooled by Johnson’s ‘diverse’ cabinet. Tory racism hasn’t changed | Kehinde Andrews

Meghan Markle clearly shows things have changed. Modern Albion here we come!
Meghan Markle clearly shows things have changed. Modern Albion here we come!
Nah, Royal family is a different thing although many will see it as tokenism in both contexts....and they are keen to show the new generation of Royals as progressive. Also, MM isn't the first Mixed royal anyway.
Mebbe we need a 'Priti Patel file' type thread for this shit now?

Is she that outstanding in the new cabinet? There's also Raab, Williamson, Leadsome, Shapps/Green/Fox and Gove. If memory serves, only Gove got a lasting thread of his own in the Cameron-May periods.
Is she that outstanding in the new cabinet? There's also Raab, Williamson, Leadsome, Shapps/Green/Fox and Gove. If memory serves, only Gove got a lasting thread of his own in the Cameron-May periods.
You have a point.
Is she that outstanding in the new cabinet? There's also Raab, Williamson, Leadsome, Shapps/Green/Fox and Gove. If memory serves, only Gove got a lasting thread of his own in the Cameron-May periods.

Liam Fox isn't in the Cabinet. He thinks Johnson's approach to BREXIT is too extreme and threaten the Union. And Johnson doesn't like him because he supported Hunt
Patel's not even Essex's worst contribution to the House of Commons. We have Mark Francois too.
Patel is fortunate that the 'tenure' of her fellow Essex constituency member Cleverly means that she remains safe from accusations of being the most limited representative from the county.
Patel is fortunate that the 'tenure' of her fellow Essex constituency member Cleverly means that she remains safe from accusations of being the most limited representative from the county.

You may have missed Vicky Ford making her debut on Question Time a few weeks back.
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