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The New Tories - Ruthlessly Incompetent. Post Examples of Tory Stupidity Here

What the fuck? He's really nailed his colours to the mast of complete scumbaggery:

Complete (psychopath) logic from ratboy; why bother spending anything getting 'the disabled' into work when they'll be getting no benefits anyway.

As Pickman's model oft says, hanging's too good for them.
As Pickman's model oft says, hanging's too good for them.
yeh but in a pinch it'll do
In lieu of more inventive penguin-based options.

Fucking over disabled people, deporting desperate people to Rwanda, everything becoming smaller and meaner and nastier. I genuinely think many (most?) people are appalled by it all but Labour etc don't have the fucking guts to call them out on it.
This is promising although with the state of the Guardian I'm not sure how much I believe it.

A Tory culture war campaign message saying “the woke mob is taking over” led to a 10 percentage point decrease in Tory voters likely to back Sunak at the next election.

For Labour, its base supporters responded well to a campaign message saying “we need to fight back against the racist government”, but the party opened itself up to a four percentage point increase in voters who are unlikely to back Starmer.

which sounds likely
This puzzles me:

"The Conservative Party said it had concluded an internal investigation, which found the money sent to Mr Menzies "was signed off by the two signatories of Fylde Westminster group".
The party said that group was "outside of the remit" of both the Conservative Party and the local Fylde Conservative Association, adding: "Therefore we cannot conclude that there has been a misuse of Conservative Party funds""
So, people donate money to the local Conservatives, to aid their election campaign, but the money does not actually go to the local party, is goes to this obscure group, Fylde Westminster group, which is allowed to do what it wishes with the money. If this is not legally corrupt, it is certainly morally corrupt. I hope that the donors sue.
Mark Menzies: MP quits Conservatives after claims he misused party funds
Is there something in the water (besides sewage) at Blackpool - Benson Blackpool South) gone, Maynard (Blackpool North and Cleveleys) under investigation and now Menzies (Flyde).
In fact could be extended to coastal North West MPs in general - Woodcock, with his allegations of sexual misconduct
I'm amazed that all these blue wall MPs weren't aware of the need for absolute personal integrity and restraint to have a chance at retaining their seats. I mean, with the example of their then leader.... oh.
This puzzles me:

"The Conservative Party said it had concluded an internal investigation, which found the money sent to Mr Menzies "was signed off by the two signatories of Fylde Westminster group".
The party said that group was "outside of the remit" of both the Conservative Party and the local Fylde Conservative Association, adding: "Therefore we cannot conclude that there has been a misuse of Conservative Party funds""
So, people donate money to the local Conservatives, to aid their election campaign, but the money does not actually go to the local party, is goes to this obscure group, Fylde Westminster group, which is allowed to do what it wishes with the money. If this is not legally corrupt, it is certainly morally corrupt. I hope that the donors sue.
Mark Menzies: MP quits Conservatives after claims he misused party funds
I'd say it's bullshit, so as to avoid indicating that they know anything that they should be telling the police. The Conservative Party obviously has a broad remit to investigate the conduct of Conservative MPs. It's not credible to say it stops once they're reassured that no money went missing from Tory HQ.

(I don't mean the existence of the local group is bullshit, but it's bullshit that it gives them a good excuse to just shrug.)
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This puzzles me:

"The Conservative Party said it had concluded an internal investigation, which found the money sent to Mr Menzies "was signed off by the two signatories of Fylde Westminster group".
The party said that group was "outside of the remit" of both the Conservative Party and the local Fylde Conservative Association, adding: "Therefore we cannot conclude that there has been a misuse of Conservative Party funds""
So, people donate money to the local Conservatives, to aid their election campaign, but the money does not actually go to the local party, is goes to this obscure group, Fylde Westminster group, which is allowed to do what it wishes with the money. If this is not legally corrupt, it is certainly morally corrupt. I hope that the donors sue.
Mark Menzies: MP quits Conservatives after claims he misused party funds

I think it's been mentioned somewhere that this group was set up outside of or at least at arms length from the Conservative Party so that its funds didn't count for campaign financing purposes.

Apparently this is fairly common practice, but it appears potentially fraudulent to me, at least in intent
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I think it's been mentioned somewhere that this group was set up outside of or at least at arms from the Conservative Party so that its funds didn't count for campaign financing purposes.

Apparently this is fairly common practice, but it appears potentially fraudulent to me, at least in intent
It has all the hallmarks of a slush fund for Tory transgressions.
I'm amazed that all these blue wall MPs weren't aware of the need for absolute personal integrity and restraint to have a chance at retaining their seats. I mean, with the example of their then leader.... oh.
"The fish rots from the head" - Rumi (probably)
Day 200000000 of the Rwanda farce begins.

Andrew Mitchell says Kirgali safer than London. So we're incentivising people to come here because they will get a free ticket to a better life than here.

At least 300 will, since Rwanda is only going to take that many per year. Never mind the number we will be taking in from Rwanda. It isn't remotely in their interests to take more.
I think it's been mentioned somewhere that this group was set up outside of or at least at arms length from the Conservative Party so that its funds didn't count for campaign financing purposes.

Apparently this is fairly common practice, but it appears potentially fraudulent to me, at least in intent
I can't see how the funds would not count for campaigning purposes. The rules for elections are strict enough to prevent that sort of thing, as far as I know.
I wonder about the legal status of the constitution of an organisation. If it states that the aims and objectives of the organisation are to promote certain things, then is it illegal for those funds to be used for some other purpose?
This puzzles me:

"The Conservative Party said it had concluded an internal investigation, which found the money sent to Mr Menzies "was signed off by the two signatories of Fylde Westminster group".
The party said that group was "outside of the remit" of both the Conservative Party and the local Fylde Conservative Association, adding: "Therefore we cannot conclude that there has been a misuse of Conservative Party funds""
So, people donate money to the local Conservatives, to aid their election campaign, but the money does not actually go to the local party, is goes to this obscure group, Fylde Westminster group, which is allowed to do what it wishes with the money. If this is not legally corrupt, it is certainly morally corrupt. I hope that the donors sue.
Mark Menzies: MP quits Conservatives after claims he misused party funds
It says here there was a 'pattern of behaviour'. Yeah, a pretty typical Tory pattern of behaviour.

The Guardian headline says "Leader halts £3 million payout to UK MP for Drax Hall plantation, and I have to admit the thought almost flitted across my mind that Sunak had grown a backbone. But of course it's the Barbados leader.

The prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, has halted plans for a multi-million-pound payout to the British Conservative MP Richard Drax for the purchase of 53 acres of the Drax Hall plantation, which he owns.

As revealed in the Observer last Sunday, the payout plan had angered those involved in the Caribbean reparations movement, who said Drax, the MP for South Dorset, should hand over all or part of the 617-acre plantation to the people of Barbados.
Nice picture of Drax (worth £150 million already apparently :thumbs: ) in suit and a tie half way down :) and at the end:
Drax declined to comment. In the past he has said the role his ancestors played in the slave trade was “deeply, deeply, regrettable, but no one can be held responsible today for what happened many hundreds of years ago”.
Funny that no one can be held responsible today but he's very happy to take the money today for what happened many hundreds of years ago.
The Observer have a much more impressive scoop on incompetent Tories. This one will be quite difficult for anyone involved to wriggle out of.

My local hyper-local media, Inside Croydon, have been on this theme for some time with Chris Philp involved in a group that was advocating ULEZ camera vandalism etc.

Perry should apologise for anti-ULEZ Facebook group says MP
The Observer have a much more impressive scoop on incompetent Tories. This one will be quite difficult for anyone involved to wriggle out of.

they set these groups up using their own Facebook accounts. under their real names. they don't even think to create a sock puppet.
really should be asking the Russians, etc for some pointers.
The Observer have a much more impressive scoop on incompetent Tories. This one will be quite difficult for anyone involved to wriggle out of.

There’s secret here, no shame and no surprise. Full cabinet members are happily pedalling lies and racist rhetoric
A defection!

He suggested the party had stopped valuing public services, saying: "The difficulty for the Conservative Party is that the party I was elected into valued public services... it had a compassionate view about supporting the more disadvantaged in society.

where the fuck has he been hiding for the last 14 years?
where the fuck has he been hiding for the last 14 years?
He's a lying shitcunt. This is just vomit.
The difficulty for the Conservative Party is that the party I was elected into valued public services... it had a compassionate view about supporting the more disadvantaged in society.
Labour should have said "Sorry, we don't want your type around here. Jog on."
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