On 20 November 2023, the BBC broadcast an episode of the well-known quiz show, “University Challenge”, in which a university student, Ms Gorgianeh, appeared as part of a four-person team representing Christ Church College, Oxford. The Team’s mascot was a blue octopus.
Despite (1) being in a team of four (2) the fact that the episode was filmed some months earlier in March 2023, and (3) the fact that the jacket worn by Ms Gorgianeh on the show was navy blue, orange, pink and green, Baroness Foster took to Twitter to single Ms Gorgianeh out as wearing the colours of the Palestinian flag (red black white and green), and being responsible for the Team mascot, which Baroness Foster described as being the most “disgusting antisemitic symbols” and calling for Ms Gorgianeh to be “expelled” by her university and “arrested” by the police. She also tagged in the Prime Minister, Home Secretary, Ofcom, the BBC and Oxford University to her post.
In the week commencing 27 November 2023, Ms Gorgianeh complained to the Commissioner of the House of Lords concerning Baroness Foster’s conduct. Her complaint was not upheld.
She was afforded no justice by our House of Lords regarding the ignorant and racist conduct of one of its members.
So Gorgianeh got a lawyer who got her “significant compensation” from the Baroness, as well as a public apology. The Minister has paid the compensation… using taxpayer funds. So WE paid for HER racism and ignorance. I’d say we should scrutinize our elected representatives better before electing them, but of course, the House of Lords is unelected, so we have absolutely no control over who sits there, costing us money ¯\