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The New Tories - Ruthlessly Incompetent. Post Examples of Tory Stupidity Here

I see no reason to believe Labour would be worse or even as bad.
except for the fact that in the past they've been absolutely as bad as the tory party. and past behaviour is generally considered to have some influence on future activity. only when this shabby past is pointed out to you you use sophistry to try to wriggle round it.
except for the fact that in the past they've been absolutely as bad as the tory party. and past behaviour is generally considered to have some influence on future activity. only when this shabby past is pointed out to you you use sophistry to try to wriggle round it.
We're not in the past.

I'm sure in the past the Tories haven't been as horrific as they are now, but that Tory party isn't on the ticket either.

You seem to be arguing that if we can't have the ideal outcome we should just let the status quo continue. I don't think that argument is credible at all. It also doesn't mean that I support the Labour party.
except for the fact that in the past they've been absolutely as bad as the tory party. and past behaviour is generally considered to have some influence on future activity. only when this shabby past is pointed out to you you use sophistry to try to wriggle round it.
Labour is fucked. They make Thatcher look as right-wing as Neil Kinnock. They might not be quite as bad as the Tories but they're still a bunch of self-serving cunts, which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't beyond useless.
You're ignoring the point to focus on individual policy issues that I don't contest and similar claims could be made regarding the Tories who haven't rectified those wrongs, supported foreign wars (including arming Suadi slaughter of Yemen), and made things worse. You're also not comparing the two parties as they stand right now. That's the proposition facing us at the next election.

I see no evidence that Starmer is anywhere on the same level as Johnson. At the very least Johnson presides over a culture of racism and bigotry he and his party have unleashed. Starmer is certainly no revolutionary, mores the pity, but if you're argument is to sit at home on election day and grumble then you'll be achieving worse than nothing.
it is as you suggest far better to get out and riot on election day. if you vote - for any party - then you're not choosing the lesser of evils, you're signalling your assent to the entire cabal of cunts. if you vote for labour hoping for crumbs for the working class, you'll be in for a long wait.
Labour is fucked. They make Thatcher look as right-wing as Neil Kinnock. They might not be quite as bad as the Tories but they're still a bunch of self-serving cunts, which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't beyond useless.
That's the only point that matters as far as the election system goes. I don't want either of them but I doubt Westminster is going anywhere between now and then
We're not in the past.

I'm sure in the past the Tories haven't been as horrific as they are now, but that Tory party isn't on the ticket either.

You seem to be arguing that if we can't have the ideal outcome we should just let the status quo continue. I don't think that argument is credible at all. It also doesn't mean that I support the Labour party.
if you're saying 'vote labour to kick the tories out' then objectively you are supporting labour. doesn't mean you throw spare change their way. it does mean you're shilling here on their behalf - and without pay, which is even worse.
It really isn't. There's no way I'd vote for Labour, I'd rather draw a spunking cock on my ballot paper, and I reckon enough people feel the same way that at the next election it'll mean another win for the Tories.
How would that be better?

if you're saying 'vote labour to kick the tories out' then objectively you are supporting labour. doesn't mean you throw spare change their way. it does mean you're shilling here on their behalf - and without pay, which is even worse.
To be clear, as well as accusing me of talking biologics and refusing to back that up, you're now saying I'm shilling for labour?

I don't think there's conversation to be had here
How would that be better?
Did I say it would be better? But how would it be worse?
You seem to be working on the assumption that Labour = the better of two evils = a vote for Labour is the right thing to do. Labour are only the better of two evils if you're a middle-class wannabe or ex-Tory. Why would any working-class person vote for Labour?
How would that be better?

To be clear, as well as accusing me of talking biologics and refusing to back that up, you're now saying I'm shilling for labour?

I don't think there's conversation to be had here
er i did back that up. i returned to your 'i see no reason' at the top of the page.

and i have never accused anyone of talking biologics.
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er i did back that up. i returned to your 'i see no reason' at the top of the page.

and i have never accused anyone of talking biologics.

An obvious predictive text error you could have ignored. Never mind eh.

I asked you to back up your claim that I had spoken 'arrant bollocks' and did so after the post you are referring to. So no, you didn't. I also directly responded to that post as well beforehand anyway.

So far you've been nothing but unpleasant. I'm not interested in discourse like that. You can either respond with respect or you can find someone else to play with, because honestly engaging with you is exhausting. You never live up to your own burden of proof.

Did I say it would be better? But how would it be worse?
You seem to be working on the assumption that Labour = the better of two evils = a vote for Labour is the right thing to do. Labour are only the better of two evils if you're a middle-class wannabe or ex-Tory. Why would any working-class person vote for Labour?

I don't think that's remotely true. A bunch of working class people are in prison following the kill the bill protests which would not have happened had Labour won in 2019. Do you really believe that Labour's home secretary would have been as bad as the thoroughly corrupt careerist race baiter and bully Priti Patel? Would Labour's health secretary have overseen 130 thousand dead? Given out PPE contracts to his mates who aren't even capable of producing any? Have starved kids, twice? Have dumped covid patients untested into care homes? Let the supply chain collapse? Stuff the Lords full of their mates?

I cannot understand the logic here at all. Of course you vote for the lesser of two evils. Why? Because if you don't the greater will get in. How are you not seeing this?
You're ignoring the point to focus on individual policy issues that I don't contest and similar claims could be made regarding the Tories who haven't rectified those wrongs, supported foreign wars (including arming Suadi slaughter of Yemen), and made things worse. You're also not comparing the two parties as they stand right now. That's the proposition facing us at the next election.

I see no evidence that Starmer is anywhere on the same level as Johnson. At the very least Johnson presides over a culture of racism and bigotry he and his party have unleashed. Starmer is certainly no revolutionary, mores the pity, but if you're argument is to sit at home on election day and grumble then you'll be achieving worse than nothing.
this is arrant bollocks for a number of reasons. the thing about the labour party's past is that it is very much of a piece. it's not some lovely party which only occasionally falls short of its lofty ideals, it's down and dirty in the mire. take islington council, for example, and margaret hodge, its 1980s leader and the paedophiles friend. she now occupies no lowly position, being a prominent labour mp. there are no end of other mps who link the current labour party to its past under blair, brown etc.

the next bit of your post is stupid whataboutery which even a callow youth would blush at including in any reply affecting to be serious, your bit about the tories. and no - by jove - how right you are i'm not comparing the two parties as there's no point imo comparing a shit to a turd. the unappetising prospect of a tory government is no more attractive than the unappetising prospect of a labour government.

so starmer's not on the same level as johnson. he's five or more levels below him, as while he dances round johnson at pmq's, performances in parliament don't mean jack shit. starmer's stallar contributions to labour party policy have passed me by, but if he's made any grand plans maybe you can relay them. he will never be prime minister as he is the man john major was always made out to be, bland, colourless, and as attractive as a pool of sick in bed.

and while johnson and his cabal are prominent racists, the labour party's never been wholly backward in its own racism. who can forget miliband's mug? true, the tory party are more racist but vote labour we're less racist than the tories isn't a great slogan
this is arrant bollocks for a number of reasons. the thing about the labour party's past is that it is very much of a piece. it's not some lovely party which only occasionally falls short of its lofty ideals, it's down and dirty in the mire. take islington council, for example, and margaret hodge, its 1980s leader and the paedophiles friend. she now occupies no lowly position, being a prominent labour mp. there are no end of other mps who link the current labour party to its past under blair, brown etc.

the next bit of your post is stupid whataboutery which even a callow youth would blush at including in any reply affecting to be serious, your bit about the tories. and no - by jove - how right you are i'm not comparing the two parties as there's no point imo comparing a shit to a turd. the unappetising prospect of a tory government is no more attractive than the unappetising prospect of a labour government.

so starmer's not on the same level as johnson. he's five or more levels below him, as while he dances round johnson at pmq's, performances in parliament don't mean jack shit. starmer's stallar contributions to labour party policy have passed me by, but if he's made any grand plans maybe you can relay them. he will never be prime minister as he is the man john major was always made out to be, bland, colourless, and as attractive as a pool of sick in bed.

and while johnson and his cabal are prominent racists, the labour party's never been wholly backward in its own racism. who can forget miliband's mug? true, the tory party are more racist but vote labour we're less racist than the tories isn't a great slogan
Did you not understand the question?

All you're doing is arguing a pointless strawman when my position has never been to defend Labour's mistakes and failings. Why do you feel the need to list them all, it's insulting and so are you. It's clear you can't be respectful or even honest since you continue to be insulting for no reason. Do you think I'm your enemy or something?

As for your earlier, ridiculous, claim that one cannot advocate a vote in a system that functions regardless or our consent without supporting the party lock stock and barrel, that's immature nonsense.

If you have an actual argument, make it. If not, don't waste your time because I'll just block you
Did you not understand the question?
what question? there isn't a question in your previous post to me or in the one i quoted.
All you're doing is arguing a pointless strawman when my position has never been to defend Labour's mistakes and failings. Why do you feel the need to list them all, it's insulting and so are you. It's clear you can't be respectful or even honest since you continue to be insulting for no reason. Do you think I'm your enemy or something?
no, i am not arguing a pointless straw man. i started off taking issue with your 'i cannot see a reason to think labour would be as bad as or worse than the tories', which is true if you ignore everything before yesterday. but if you look at the history of labour in power nationally or locally then it is an astonishing claim to make. in any case, there is a clear link between my replies to your posts and your posts themselves. i didn't list anywhere near all of labour's failings, only the edited highlights, and realised afterwards i'd forgotten things like the terrorism act 2000. and if you think being given reasons not to vote labour in response to a comment about how you can't see such a reason, if you think that's insulting then i don't think you'll really fare well here.

however, many people would think that the invasion of iraq would continue to be a good reason not to vote labour. and i'd like to see some actual argument when you disagree that things like that are no longer relevant when it's been one of the defining events of this century whose repercussions continue to echo in the middle east.
As for your earlier, ridiculous, claim that one cannot advocate a vote in a system that functions regardless or our consent without supporting the party lock stock and barrel, that's immature nonsense.
here we see once again than you substitute childish digs for argument. you talk about straw men above and here's a good example of you doing just that. i haven't said what you claim, i said that by saying vote labour to get the tories out you're objectively supporting labour despite your claim to the contrary. after all, they tally the votes and not the reasons for the votes.
If you have an actual argument, make it. If not, don't waste your time because I'll just block you
yeh. i haven't seen much in the way of argument from you. funny how you demand what you don't supply
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what question? there isn't a question in your previous post to me or in the one i quoted.

no, i am not arguing a pointless straw man. i started off taking issue with your 'i cannot see a reason to think labour would be as bad as or worse than the tories', which is true if you ignore everything before yesterday. but if you look at the history of labour in power nationally or locally then it is an astonishing claim to make. in any case, there is a clear link between my replies to your posts and your posts themselves. i didn't list anywhere near all of labour's failings, only the edited highlights, and realised afterwards i'd forgotten things like the terrorism act 2000. and if you think being given reasons not to vote labour in response to a comment about how you can't see such a reason, if you think that's insulting then i don't think you'll really fare well here.

however, many people would think that the invasion of iraq would continue to be a good reason not to vote labour. and i'd like to see some actual argument when you disagree that things like that are no longer relevant when it's been one of the defining events of this century whose repercussions continue to echo in the middle east.

here we see once again than you substitute childish digs for argument. you talk about straw men above and here's a good example of you doing just that. i haven't said what you claim, i said that by saying vote labour to get the tories out you're objectively supporting labour despite your claim to the contrary. after all, they tally the votes and not the reasons for the votes.

yeh. i haven't seen much in the way of argument from you. funny how you demand what you don't supply

All you're doing is arguing in favour of voting for the Tories. It's laughable. Your strawman is built on the premise that I am somehow oblivious to labour doing shit things. It's insulting and arrogant and an assumption you have no justification in making. At no point on these forums have I ever given you cause to draw that conclusion. We can all list the bad things Labour have done and not once have I ever given cause to think I don't care about them, despite your insulting need to even question that (a dishonest question at that). But what you are forgetting is that Labour aren't the only villains. You can list Margaret Hodge and the Iraq war and more besides, no one has disputed that, but you don't list Tory behaviour I notice and that's the side you are unwittingly supporting by advocating not voting to get rid of the Tories.

Still why bother getting off your arse when you can bitch and gripe and condescend to people on here, which is all you seem to do. This is cartoon revolutionary politics and speaks not to reality. We're done. I've no desire to talk with someone so pointlessly rude.
All you're doing is arguing in favour of voting for the Tories. It's laughable. Your strawman is built on the premise that I am somehow oblivious to labour doing shit things. It's insulting and arrogant and an assumption you have no justification in making. At no point on these forums have I ever given you cause to draw that conclusion. We can all list the bad things Labour have done and not once have I ever given cause to think I don't care about them, despite your insulting need to even question that (a dishonest question at that). But what you are forgetting is that Labour aren't the only villains. You can list Margaret Hodge and the Iraq war and more besides, no one has disputed that, but you don't list Tory behaviour I notice and that's the side you are unwittingly supporting by advocating not voting to get rid of the Tories.

Still why bother getting off your arse when you can bitch and gripe and condescend to people on here, which is all you seem to do. This is cartoon revolutionary politics and speaks not to reality. We're done. I've no desire to talk with someone so pointlessly rude.
And I no wish to talk with someone so thunderingly stupid. At no point on this thread or on these boards have I said one thing in favour of the conservative party. Indeed in our exchange I described them as shit. Or a turd. One or the other. Hardly an endorsement. I have not said suggested implied or otherwise given you cause to think labour are the only villains. All this started over your labour allegedly the lesser of two evils and I think they're worse because the Tories don't have a history of claiming to be the working class party - as the auld rebel song has it, the lowest of the low is the for you do not know, and many people think the LP is a friend as opposed to the outright enemy the Tory party is. I was talking about the labour party as you were making them out as better than Johnson's crew. And so they are. In opposition. As Blair was better than major before 1997. But give them a sniff of power and then you'll see their gloves come off as they came off new labour then.
And I no wish to talk with someone so thunderingly stupid. At no point on this thread or on these boards have I said one thing in favour of the conservative party. Indeed in our exchange I described them as shit. Or a turd. One or the other. Hardly an endorsement. I have not said suggested implied or otherwise given you cause to think labour are the only villains. All this started over your labour allegedly the lesser of two evils and I think they're worse because the Tories don't have a history of claiming to be the working class party - as the auld rebel song has it, the lowest of the low is the for you do not know, and many people think the LP is a friend as opposed to the outright enemy the Tory party is. I was talking about the labour party as you were making them out as better than Johnson's crew. And so they are. In opposition. As Blair was better than major before 1997. But give them a sniff of power and then you'll see their gloves come off as they came off new labour then.
You're not anywhere near as smart as you think you are, while you continue to lord your attitude over everyone you've spoken to. Don't think I haven't noticed how you talk to people, it's shit.

I didn't say you were in favour the tory party, I specifically used the word 'unwittingly'. What you fail to realise is that by deliberately choosing not to vote to remove them you are in fact doing this. You know full well they will win if people don't use what little power they have in this rotten system where they can to put an alternative in power. The system doesn't stop just because you or I don't like it and don't want to participate in it. Grow the fuck up.

You have no argument, just childish arguments "Tony Blair bad, boo". It's not a pantomime, it's real life and if you arne't prepared to hold your nose to help then you aren't a comrade of mine.

You're not anywhere near as smart as you think you are, while you continue to lord your attitude over everyone you've spoken to. Don't think I haven't noticed how you talk to people, it's shit.

I didn't say you were in favour the tory party, I specifically used the word 'unwittingly'. What you fail to realise is that by deliberately choosing not to vote to remove them you are in fact doing this. You know full well they will win if people don't use what little power they have in this rotten system where they can to put an alternative in power. The system doesn't stop just because you or I don't like it and don't want to participate in it. Grow the fuck up.

You have no argument, just childish arguments "Tony Blair bad, boo". It's not a pantomime, it's real life and if you arne't prepared to hold your nose to help then you aren't a comrade of mine.

I've got perfectly good arguments which you can't refute so mischaracterise.
Eddie Hughes, MP for Walsall North:

"We've got a lot of MPs who live in the area or very close to the area they represent."

It was said with apparent pride, as if this were an innovation in representative democracy.
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