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The New Tories - Ruthlessly Incompetent. Post Examples of Tory Stupidity Here

Raab will ride it out, and Johnson will do his usual distraction techniques.

Looking at his two cabinets (pre-2019 GE and after), I don't think he's removed anyone on the front bench for their behaviour. Javid jumped from Number 11, after refusing Cummings' SPADS interfering; Rudd resigned; Alun Cairns resigned as Welsh Secretary; Barclay's Brexit Secretary role ended naturally; and Hancock resigned after Johnson wouldn't sack him. He also stood by Cummings after eye test-gate.
Our nation’s previous reputation as a superpower of “soft power” has been weakened by Brexit and the fading of its influence in Washington and further sapped by savage cuts to the aid budget. Britain hasn’t the clout to act by itself, but has diminished its ability to persuade others to act with it.

I wonder if she remembers that he likes to smoke pot.

He should spend his time trying to get it legalised, regulated and taxed, that will do far more for the economy than chatting shit in Australia.

(I have tweeted them suggesting it)
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The absolute state of this country.

How long until they find a job for Jim Davidson?

Do we trade in wifebeating and racism? I can't imagine we'd need to import more.

Perhaps Chalky could embarass us in Africa somehow.

God it's a real life Alan Partridge sketch at this point
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