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The Glastonbury Photos Thread


My tent :D

I posted it, wiskey took a picture of my tent. There's a few photos that were took that I don't want turning up here but the PMs have been sent :p

Preservation of relationships and all that :D
firky said:
I posted it, wiskey took a picture of my tent. There's a few photos that were took that I don't want turning up here but the PMs have been sent :p

Preservation of relationships and all that :D

You have my email:p
I love this one:


If I were able to wear them these days, I'd want that hat :cool:

I was sitting on that seat whilst listening to Billy Bragg on Sunday. Then they took it away and dismantled the shelter :(
JTG said:
I love this one:


If I were able to wear them these days, I'd want that hat :cool:

I was sitting on that seat whilst listening to Billy Bragg on Sunday. Then they took it away and dismantled the shelter :(
That man is a class act. His quality single malt & skunk started me off on a blinder of an evening. :cool:
View from the Roots tent:


Lady in a hammock:


The dance lounge dancefloor:


I wanted to take a lot, lot more photos but spent too much time concentrating on just being able to walk, let alone take snaps :(
whoa, electrogirl is hot.

it kind of pissed me off how so many girls managed to stay looking good ALL weekend. by saturday afternoon i looked like i'd been sleeping in a woolworths doorway for 6 months :(
She's also an optimist with those shades aloft; nice combo of mud, shades, mud and muddy cleveage.

The wellies and hint of legs in the background is also sweet.

Dirty, dirty girls . . .
johnnymarrsbars said:
it kind of pissed me off how so many girls managed to stay looking good ALL weekend. by saturday afternoon i looked like i'd been sleeping in a woolworths doorway for 6 months :(
Short skirts & wellies & mud are sexy as fuck.

Dunno why. They just are.
Actually that's a lie I know damn well that it's the juxtaposition of clean & dirty so close together....
all the pictures of all the mud and rain have put me off ever wanting to go to glastonbury again. i've been four times - had two excellent sunny and dry years, and two wet as fuck years. so there's a 50% chance that if i go, it'll piss down :eek: ;)

anyway - good photos from everyone who braved it and obviously enjoyed despite it being a mudbath :)
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