Well-Known Member
The response of the state is the response of local capital.
The response of the working class must be working class solidarity. And that's the side that's missed in this narrative. But don't mistake solidarity for an order from above to be generous. Solidarity is a two way bond. It is horizontal. It is not a top down command.
I'm a descendant of immigrants in a very similar (though not identical) set of circumstances to the post war "Commonwealth Immigrants". Like them, my ancestors were told they came from a land that was not to be seen as distinct from the centre. It was then, but is not now, part of a greater entity of which Great Britain, and England in particular, was to be seen, so the official version went, as the Motherland. Like them, they came because they were told their labour was wanted. And like them they discovered the welcome was scant and not universal.
And the divide that was thereby created was very much a tool of rule.
In response, many of the immigrants of my ancestors' day worked hard to create a politics of working class solidarity. And it was a hard slog. And 140 years later it is still not entirely won. People from my background are still seen by some as other.
But that doesn't mean the endeavour to build solidarity, to build networks of mutual aid, to build bonds of trust is not worth undertaking. It is worth it. Nor is it a passive act. It is neither meek nor mild, it is a show of strength. Both altruistic and reciprocal, it benefits the participants. It is not cerebral, but practical. It is our best response to attack.
I'd agree with your sentiment.
In Brixton there is an example of this.
In the Ritzy cinema dispute the cinema workers are trying to get the living wage. I know that the Ritzy workforce are a diverse bunch. Including Poles. The Ritzy dispute is an example of solidarity across people from very different backgrounds.
Immigrants often are scapegoats for poor wages and conditions. The Ritzy dispute shows there is another way to fight this. Not bring in more immigration controls but for workers from different backgrounds to see what they have in common.
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