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That’s how desperate Johnson’s negotiating position is; give us a trade deal or we unilaterally impose a hard border on the island of Ireland.
The conservatives accidentally(?) encouraging a united Ireland is a giggle.
The situation regarding control of UK borders, most especially the land border in Ireland is back in the news.
Either that border will remain as untrammeled as travelling between Norfolk and Suffolk, or there will be controls, which arguably make it a hard border.
Desperation move I reckon. Don't see it moving the EU but brings back all the concerns and fears over the NI peace deal that had been addressed.
More a why bother move IMO, there are lot of stresses within the EU that it has shown a tin ear in dealing with. Might as well bunker down for the time being
Since the agreement to set the border in the Irish Sea has there been any attempt by Westminster to create the infrastructure and bureaucracy necessary for new years day? I don't know but I doubt it. Seems to me this isn't a bluff, it was always the plan. I have memories of Johnson saying in full contradiction at the time of signing the WA that there won't be a border regime, and papers running truth check articles saying yes there will. They were wrong I expect.
Since the agreement to set the border in the Irish Sea has there been any attempt by Westminster to create the infrastructure and bureaucracy necessary for new years day? I don't know but I doubt it. Seems to me this isn't a bluff, it was always the plan. I have memories of Johnson saying in full contradiction at the time of signing the WA that there won't be a border regime, and papers running truth check articles saying yes there will. They were wrong I expect.
No idea about actual infrastructure, but the WA had provision for the EU/UK Joint Committee (under Gove) to tie up some of the "lose ends" that remained on NI-GB trade arrangements. I presume that Gove has not got his way, hence the toys out of pram move from Johnson.
Do you think Disgraced Prime Minister Johnson is adding cunts like to distract from his own failings? Or is he setting them up just to take the blame for his despicable leadership and failed policies?
Probably a mixture of both. same reason the otherwise useless Liz Truss is still in place
That’s how desperate Johnson’s negotiating position is; give us a trade deal or we unilaterally impose a hard border on the island of Ireland.
The border will for the EU / free state to set up tho’ - Johnson is using yeah but sovereignty as his blame game offset.
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Yeah that's not gonna do the UK many favors with either the EU or anyone else really, if they rip up the WA (and by rip up I mean "change or override in any way at all")
If they even try to do that, they will trash the UK's credit rating, and braodcast to the entire world that you can't negotiate in good faith with the UK. Which will make FTAs - all FTAs - that much harder to achieve.
It's batshit mental.
The situation regarding control of UK borders, most especially the land border in Ireland is back in the news.
Either that border will remain as untrammeled as travelling between Norfolk and Suffolk, or there will be controls, which arguably make it a hard border.
Or - which is more likely - a hard border in the Irish Sea, and every single Unionist will go apeshit
The regime may not consider the unionists to be of massive importance now they have a slab of a majority. They did well out of made of fail May,it still rankles the Tory filth that they had to do this. This junta is well versed in ripping up convention and loyalty in their scorched earth take on things. Some sucker will have to deal with this fallout several years down the line.
Or - which is more likely - a hard border in the Irish Sea, and every single Unionist will go apeshit

I believe what Boris Johnson signed up to a year ago was a hard border in the Irish sea. I think the news today is about Boris Johnson, and by default the UK, going back on his word and the issue returning to the nature of the land border in Ireland.

At the last election one mantra was 'everybody said Boris Johnson couldn't get a deal with the EU, but he has...he is wonderful vote for him'. But it looks like a deal for Boris Johnson is like his marriage, a theoretical committment he can renege on when it suits.

He really is a vile utter cunt, yet people still get taken in.
I believe what Boris Johnson signed up to a year ago was a hard border in the Irish sea. I think the news today is about Boris Johnson, and by default the UK, going back on his word and the issue returning to the nature of the land border in Ireland.

At the last election one mantra was 'everybody said Boris Johnson couldn't get a deal with the EU, but he has...he is wonderful vote for him'. But it looks like a deal for Boris Johnson is like his marriage, a theoretical committment he can renege on when it suits.

He really is a vile utter cunt, yet people still get taken in.
Agreed absolutely with all you've said, but this is one situation he can't wriggle out of. That deal came in the form of a mutually legally binding agreement. And we still needs an FTA-type deal. More pertinently, we need it much, much more than the EU or any of its' 27 member states do.
The inescapable position we are in; either we do everything how the EU wants it, or at least can accept it, olr our economy gvet's completely torpedoed.And I am certain his advisers and civil servants would have told him this.

I actually think they are just flying a kite with today's antics - gauging the reactions.
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