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The big Brexit thread - news, updates and discussion

Empty as usual - hey here's a video from some YouTube wanker.
If you too lazy to post a summary (against the rules of the site) don't bother posting the video.
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It's not really a border around Kent, sounds more like a congestion zone type system for trucks. Also according to the video it's not even happening necessarily, it's one of a number of possibilities being looked at.

This however.... Less easy to dismiss
worst case scenario is interesting.
Parliament's no real use with presidential style government anyway, huge amount of legislation, all goes through on the nod, no discussions, no scrutiny, no changes, yes indeed what on earth could go wrong?
Is this accurate?

If it is then it's a spectacularly shit fucking deal, I would imagine that any Japanese connoisseur of UK cheeses views them as a luxury item and paying a tariff on them adds to the snob value. On the other hand it has signed the death knell for the Toyota and Nissan factories in this country. The only reason they are here is for low tariff access to Europe. Brexit has ended that and the Japanese have signed a deal to import straight from Japan to the EU. This gets rid of the need to build them in this country as well.
Well it looks like the Tories are refusing to buckle over state aid - at the cost of a crash out no deal. I guess on balance (and there's a lot of pros and cons on the scales to be weighed) of where we are now this is good news
Behold our latest Brexshite negotiator:

View attachment 228887

I'm still just a bit flabbergasted that this lizard mouthed misogynist freak, with no experience of negotiating any form of trade deal, is in the frame. He was shunted as PM then lost his safe seat after a grassroots campaign to oust him. And we are going to have to pay this carpetbagging cunt a salary. He gave Prince Philip a knighthood ffs
Going well then...

According to a leaked document, ministers are asking hauliers and other industry groups for help to avoid chaos at the border when the Brexit transition period expires at the end of the year.

But with just four months to go, the government’s preparations still have “critical gaps” while some parts of blueprint are “unmanageable,” the document said.

Going well then...

Thousands of British food businesses could be left without the correct labelling required to continue selling to the European Union and Northern Ireland after the UK government missed an industry deadline to advise them on what new rules they will have to follow.

Just wait till they work out the CE Mark will not be valid for UK manufacturers. Chaos is on the way.

There are going to be far too many of these stories to keep track of I suspect. Which may actually suit Johnson, if it means the news cycle is unable to keep up with the sheer number of catastrophes unfolding simultaneously. That's what's got the tories through this pandemic after all; incompetence and corruption on a scale the human mind is ill-equipped to comprehend.
There are going to be far too many of these stories to keep track of I suspect. Which may actually suit Johnson, if it means the news cycle is unable to keep up with the sheer number of catastrophes unfolding simultaneously. That's what's got the tories through this pandemic after all; incompetence and corruption on a scale the human mind is ill-equipped to comprehend.
Well it looks like the Tories are refusing to buckle over state aid - at the cost of a crash out no deal. I guess on balance (and there's a lot of pros and cons on the scales to be weighed) of where we are now this is good news

They are holding out as they may have to nationalise industries with the united kingdom

was that something they used as an angle against labour during the last election


also seriously i work in the export/import industry and we still have fuck all guidance as to what happens at the turn of the year

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