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I don’t understand what happened yesterday, they voted to deny themselselves (parliament) any say in future trade deals? Why? Just don’t get it at all.

Its so they can do what they want without being accountable to anybody, least of all Parliment.

Johnson and his goons have a real issue with being held to account by anyone, see the ISC chair debacle. That was all about trying to avoid scrutiny. It's a very dangerous culture at the heart of Gvt.
Totally corrupt. Britain's future decided on this fucking farce.

Thread here...

Another step along towards presidential rather than parliament style government. I saw recently Johnson wants to reorganize the NHS so he gets more control as this will be more efficient :) . Aside from his fuckups already having been responsible for a lot of the excess deaths.
Hold on a minute. Much though I adore taking the piss out of the Cornish, they're not actually cookie cutter copies of each other. They didn't all vote the same way or think the same way. And there is a serious situation with regard to people's livelihoods; people will actually be hungry at the end of all this, and I'm not entirely sure that I like the deckchair-and-popcorn attitude. It doesn't feel very Urban to me. Sorry.
Of course no county is full of people all the same.
However as a county they voted Tory by a vast majority

I'm not laughing at anyone. We live in a country full of majority Tory voters. Theres no punchline.
To be fair some won't have realized what they were voting for, some will have been persuaded to vote due to their financial considerations and the rest are cunts, just CUNTS.

If they voted for it without knowing what it was that puts them firmly in the 'cunt' category.
My heart bleeds for Helen Whately

Article does not, of course, mention that the Whately's have just purchased an old Manor house & farm just 50m off the A251.

Though, tbh the A251 is a shite road and route that hold limited appeal for most international HGV drivers. It's a typical, unimproved East Kent road that is very narrow, quite twisty with blind spots notorious for RTAs & climbs up the North Downs scarp slope very steeply just North of Ashford. Then getting to the M2 East of Medway is no great thing; its mid 60's dual track infrastructure feels more like an old trunk road than a motorway. Any lorry driver in their right mind would plough on up the M20 using the Swanley junction to get to the tunnel.

Six months ago, Prime Minister Boris Johnson celebrated Brexit by describing Britain as the Superman of global trade.

Now, the country risks becoming an also-ran, losing its easy access to the huge EU common market, unable to strike a groundbreaking deal with the United States and on the brink of a trade fight with China.

Trade experts fear this will leave the United Kingdom more isolated than it has been for decades as it fights an unprecedented health and economic crisis. It's already on course for the deepest downturn of any major economy, in part a result of persistent uncertainty tied to Brexit.
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