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The Arsenal 22/23


Who am I to say you're wrong
Couldn't find another thread so I thought I would just point out that Arsenal are top of the league. :thumbs:

Great start to the season with an away win after some good pre-season results.

Might not be top for long but certainly a vast improvement from last season.
Couldn't find another thread so I thought I would just point out that Arsenal are top of the league. :thumbs:

Great start to the season with an away win after some good pre-season results.

Might not be top for long but certainly a vast improvement from last season.
Nice to still be on max points
After the disappointments and struggles of the last few seasons, I don't think we're getting carried away in our hopes and expectations.

A fantastic start so far but October has some tough fixtures. Let's just ride it as long as possible
Feck that, I’m happy to throw caution to the wind :eek:, we look amazing, world beating, fantastic signings, Ode oozing class, top to bottom this is the best Arse side in yeeears. COYG!
Was that really a red?

From behind, over the ankle. Ten years ago I would have said no chance, today, well I can see why it would be.
After last seasons shite start & then finding some form only to finish poorly, I am well chuffed to still be top.

An out of form Liverpool next which should be a good indicator to how far things have progressed.

Still top the league in October. :thumbs:
Great result & great overall performance. :) :thumbs:

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