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The 2019 General Election

If Johnson receives the extension confirmation before the vote for a GE I can't see how Labour can turn it down this time.
If Johnson receives the extension confirmation before the vote for a GE I can't see how Labour can turn it down this time.

It'll be the same reasoning as last time. Say the EU grant an extension until 31st Jan. Opposition parties agree to an election on 12th December or whenever. Johnson then changes the date of the election till February sometime which he can do and its a no deal crash out on the 31st. Once the house agrees with calling an election the PM can muck around with the date if they like.

The opposition parties will quite rightly point out that the PM's pants are permanently ablaze and something will need to be written in law before they vote for an election.
It'll be the same reasoning as last time. Say the EU grant an extension until 31st Jan. Opposition parties agree to an election on 12th December or whenever. Johnson then changes the date of the election till February sometime which he can do and its a no deal crash out on the 31st.

The opposition parties will quite rightly point out that the PM's pants are permanently ablaze and something will need to be written in law before they vote for an election.
Johnson could easily see that off at the pass by putting the date in a one-liner bill...or the oppo could amend to do so.
Labour's excuses will start to look a little thin tbh.
Johnson could easily see that off at the pass by putting the date in a one-liner bill...or the oppo could amend to do so.
Labour's excuses will start to look a little thin tbh.

I don't think you can amend an act that's already passed, I think something new is required. If it was that easy Johnson would have already done it. He could bring a new bill with the 'Not withstanding the FTPA' line in it but that one could and likely would be hijacked with shed loads of amendments which is the probable reason he's not done so thus far.

If he really wanted this election he should just go balls out and call a no confidence motion in himself. Except he's shit scared about being turfed out of No 10 if they opposition parties suddenly get their act together. The coward.
If passed on Monday..by my calculation (iffy?)...the earliest Election day would Thursday 5th December. (there has to be a recess of at least 25 sitting days)
Just watching this crap on sky news - why is a December election bad for the LP? Postal votes or some such?

Wasn't there some old bollocks about Labour voters not turning up when it rains? Probably something like that but with it being cold and wet. Sounds like crap.
Wasn't there some old bollocks about Labour voters not turning up when it rains? Probably something like that but with it being cold and wet. Sounds like crap.

Old school Labour voters are on the Brexit Party bandwagon now, they’ll be sat inside avoiding the drizzle while the great outdoors loving urban Labour/Lib scum voters will be out braving it in their goretex finery.
Anyway, “give me a great political victory and then an election to capitalise on it please” doesn’t sound like a very attractive offer to the opposition, though they’ll have to find a more reasonable sounding excuse than ‘fuck off, you chancer” to avoid it.
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