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TfL denied Uber operator license, ride hailing service wins on appeal (Sept 2020)

Have Uber let people work who did not have a current private hire licence? Gen question?

Not as far as I'm aware. The big issue regarding the crime element is the way Uber fails to report complaints of criminal behaviour. But as you note, taxis are a unique danger, pretty much the only time a lone female would ever get in a stranger's car and DBS checks are far from perfect. Worboys was one very high profile case, Uber drivers had over 30 rape complaints last year in London alone. Just last week a British woman was raped and murdered by an Uber driver. All seems a bit much. Add to that their tax dodging which puts the competition out of business and deprives our schools, sick and disabled people of money; makes them all round scumbags imo.
Great service and for the drivers a bigger slice of the fare than any comparable circuit.
This is true in itself but it's a bigger slice of a smaller pie. Would you rather get 60% of a ten pound fare or 75% of a five pound fare? Uber have dragged fares and driver rates down to a new low. In addition the 25% supports a much smaller pool of workers in the office. The real advantages they've given to drivers have been in cutting dead mileage and allowing drivers to really pick their own hours.
Top Cat said:
Have Uber let people work who did not have a current private hire licence? Gen question?

Worberry had no criminal record and as there is no record of London Taxi journeys, Taxi's are a danger uniquely and in a league of their own.

I was going to make that correction but you beat me to it :hmm:

Here's a 2009 link to John Worboys' conviction, in case anyone needs reminding about this disgusting rapist :mad:
More broadly though -- are there any figures about numbers of crimes committed by London Taxi (black cab) drivers, compared to those committed by minicab drivers or by Uber drivers etc.? :confused:

Genuine question ...
More broadly though -- are there any figures about numbers of crimes committed by London Taxi (black cab) drivers, compared to those committed by minicab drivers or by Uber drivers etc.? :confused:

Genuine question ...

I haven't seen any but I'd be prepared to bet a largish sum of money that in London at least they're all dwarfed by the amounts of assaults on drivers carried out by passengers a fair proportion of which go unreported. One of the great advantages of Uber for drivers is it provides easy cash type work with the security of an account circuit.
I doubt most get reported. When I worked a cash circuit (as a controller) I've had drivers robbed with guns or beaten up and turned over, all sorts and no-one ever got the police involved.


I know taxi drivers, if they have anything major happen they always report it.

I know taxi drivers, if they have anything major happen they always report it.
IME only if there's damage to the car. There's really very little to be achieved by telling a copper that some toerag pointed a gun at you and ran off with your bag of money. What's going to happen?
IME only if there's damage to the car. There's really very little to be achieved by telling a copper that some toerag pointed a gun at you and ran off with your bag of money. What's going to happen?

Check CCTV footage, and occasionally get lucky?

But, your experience is in London, different world I guess.

Down here, if someone pulls out a gun or more likely a knife, and it's reported, the cops go to town on it, and the toerag usually gets caught.
Check CCTV footage, and occasionally get lucky?

But, your experience is in London, different world I guess.

Down here, if someone pulls out a gun or more likely a knife, and it's reported, the cops go to town on it, and the toerag usually gets caught.
This is twenty years ago. I haven't worked on cash circuits for a long time. Not so many cams in those days.
I guess you either report knifes and/or guns getting pulled on you & expect the cops to deal with it, and hound them if they don't.

Or you don't, and just accept you live in a jungle.
I guess you either report knifes and/or guns getting pulled on you & expect the cops to deal with it, and hound them if they don't.

Or you don't, and just accept you live in a jungle.

Well there's lost causes as in a couple of hoodies going to Tottenham, robbing the driver and fucking off. That driver (Tony 46) didn't call the police but he never worked again, didn't feel it was worth it. Then there was the time my boss (who also drove) got turned over by some young men from the local traveller camp. He got a few bruises and lost his cash bag but he was a big lump and could take it. He didn't feel going to the cops would be a diplomatic way of dealing with the incident.

Life's complicated.
Do you complain about variable pricing on coach train plane transport?

With them do you get a notification of a 50% increase after you've already booked the trip and it's too late to rebook without a penalty? Even if it's actually 2pm on a quiet weekday and it's not actually a peak pricing time at all?
And much more.

maomao is totally full of shit. The police take firearms incidents very seriously indeed. Anyone who doesn't report a gun threat is a cunt of the highest order.
Well if I ever bump into old Tony again I'll tell him some cunt on the internet says he's a cunt. That incident aside, if cabbies phoned plod every time some fucker fucked off without paying they'd need a special department for it.
Well if I ever bump into old Tony again I'll tell him some cunt on the internet says he's a cunt. That incident aside, if cabbies phoned plod every time some fucker fucked off without paying they'd need a special department for it.
Fucking off without paying a cab fare is a very, very long way from threatening someone with a gun. Old Tony’s either a liar or a fuckwit. Or you are.
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Fucking off without paying is a very, very long way from being threatened with a gun. Old Tony’s either a liar or a fuckwit. Or you are.
Maybe you can help us out and report it to one of your copper mates at the lodge then. It doesn't matter. It was twenty years ago and I'm not going to tell the story in any more detail than I have.
Bahnhof Strasse said:
Uber is officially a cab firm, says court

ECJ declares Uber to be a taxi company and not a technology firm.

This means that Uber has to abide by rules laid down to local taxi companies wherever they operate in the EU. TFL's contention that Uber is not fit to have a taxi license looks much stronger now.

It's clear that Uber has lied to Tfl, taxi companies can not lie to Tfl and expect to keep their license.

As an aside, remember when Dara Khosrowshahi apoligised to London for Uber's failings and made a solemn promise to get his house in order? Whilst he was saying the words, he knew that Uber's customer database had been hacked, but chose not to inform the customers of the data breach.

For some reason I missed the above news earlier, about challengers to Uber winning their ECJ case.

This ruling surely has pretty big implications. Some of them are touched on here
‘Very little to be achieved by reporting gun crime’ :facepalm:
Well that's not what I said.

Probably more to do with being in shock (he literally jacked his job in there and then) and a general distrust of police amongst a mainly ethnic minority workforce. There exists a possibility it was reported and I didn't know about it but given I was the main other witness (I put them in his car) you'd think the police would have at least asked me about it.
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