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SWP expulsions and squabbles

Anyone read this childish shit from an apparent Sol Fed member.

Reminds me of a leftie Willie Frazer, how I'd love to live in a world where the most offensive thing I see is an SWP placard.


I spotted a comrade who – thanks to Twitter – I knew was critical of the SWP. I approached him and told him I was uncomfortable about the SWP presence and asked if he’d like to help me get rid of them. He didn’t need much persuading! We walked around and talked to a few other comrades about our plan. As soon as there were a few of us, we marched over to the SWP stall. I poured water over their filthy papers to make them unsellable, then my comrade tipped over their table. We then grabbed the placards and destroyed them.

Several trots came over to have a go but in all honesty, I wasn’t listening. I caught a few choice words; ‘unity… sectarianism… Nazis… Tory-led agenda’. Blah, blah, blah. None of us were bothered by what the trots had to say, we were buzzing! After the boring speeches given mostly by more swappies (seriously, they’ve infested all Sussex demos), we went on a march around campus that was more vibrant and energetic than the ones I’d been on recently.

So it's not about the raped women in the SWP at all, it's really a self aggrandising little ego trip for you and your twitter mates. The pride they take in not listening, the focus on their feeling of empowerment through what let's face it is a bit of bullying of some very soft targets.

Fucking Student Union bubble cunts.
The SWP has always been a coalition of hard nosed hack types with evident bullying tendencies and decent and considerate bolsheviks who you would be proud to stand with on any picket line or demonstration.

What's left behind after the resignation cloud settles can be little more than dreadful with a capital D. Imagine attending branch meetings comprised only of robocop loyalists - not an attractive environment for working class people who are familiar with aggressive line managers with single agendas and no human skills .
Rhetta packs her bags...

[revol68, post: 12776493, member: 13829"]Your membership justifies it.

You rat fuck!

You're a careerist piece of shit, to see you laughing at SWP resignations is hilarious. You are in a party whose leadership has never faced so much as an internal disciplinary committee over the small matter of I dunno invading Iraq and Afghanistan.
But by definition your membership is effectively endorsing those self same criminals by wanting people to vote for them. How much longer will you and your pals demand we square a circle?

I suppose it would be like the people staying in the SWP with Delta still on the CC and arguing that whilst he might be a rapist atleast they can act to put tabs on his raping.
Nigel Irritable said:
Colin Wilson resigns. Wasn't he their main person writing on lgbt issues for years?

Never really part of the tradition old bean. Also pulled by movementism.

The thing here is that while the first load of us that left gave a smattering of comfort for the bolshies of the party claiming we were insufficiently "hegemonized" - the rest of the truth being of course that the SWP had always recruited radicals outside of bolshevik true believers through the Marxism and ISJ appearances of heterogeneity, and would have dwindled to near-nothing without this long ago - claiming the same this time round is desperate wonderland stuff. No doubt that accounts for the heightened brusqueness of tone seen in BB comments tonight!
Pete Gillard, who joined IS in 1969, resigns and says amongst other things that:

Pete Gillard said:
I believe the SWP is no longer fit for purpose as a revolutionary organisation. I haven’t lost faith in the working class. I don’t believe that ‘the movements’ can bring socialism. I reject all the slurs the CC has promoted in attempting to discredit the SWP Opposition. In leaving the SWP, I will play my part in the process of building a new revolutionary socialist organisation, one which builds on the best of the International Socialist tradition. I fully expect to be working and to welcome working with SWP members in my union and in campaigning activities. The revolutionary left in Britain, as a whole, is weaker than it has been for decades. We need to work together.

Which seems to be a straightforward indication that there is an organised group split in the works.
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