I've been thinking about the use of the term rape apologist and I'm not really sure it's the right one to use in this context. Maybe I'm talking out of my arse (wouldn't be the first time) but wouldn't a rape apologist either try to claim rape is OK or agree that an incident that others consider rape did indeed happen but try and argue that it was ok, or maybe that it wasn't actually rape?
In this case, it seems to me, this isn't what's happened. They appear to claim that it never took place in the first place. That's denial, not apologetics.
It's like holocaust denial - they deny the holocaust took place at all. Whereas a holocaust apologist wouldn't deny it took place but would rather try and justify it (and I've often thought this would be a more consistent and coherent argument for a Nazi to make, since given their views on Jews you'd have thought they'd take some kind of perverse pride in it).
It's not a particularly important distinction I admit but I'm in a pedantic mood at the moment.