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SWP expulsions and squabbles

2nd investigation had to go ahead regardless of his status surely, given the ructions about it's handling so far. And not the first time the dc has heard a complaint either about or raised by an ex member.

A good day for everyone who wants the IS to survive if a sad one for those of us who have worked with him and valued him and found it hard to believe the complaints intially. But enough is enough and was a good time ago.
2nd investigation had to go ahead regardless of his status surely, given the ructions about it's handling so far. And not the first time the dc has heard a complaint either about or raised by an ex member.

A good day for everyone who wants the IS to survive if a sad one for those of us who have worked with him and valued him and found it hard to believe the complaints intially. But enough is enough and was a good time ago.

I was in the swp from 1986 ish to 2009...I knew delta from 1990 when I wasin woolwich swp and he was a student...he was my district organiser at one point and was a district organiser when I was in the 1990s...I always thoughthe was a good bloke but I had no problem believing the complaints as I think that women do not generally make this kind of shit up.
That coupled with the fact that he was nearly 50 and she'd just turned 17 when they began their relationship more than suggests that he was misusing his powerful position in the swp.
You have constantly refused to answer these points put bymany posters on here shows you to be blindly loyal to the swp rather than to the principles of socialism. It is sad that you are pleased at this news.
He should have been expelled and the women should have been treated with respect instead of being subjected to a kanderoo court investigation
The SWP have shown themselves to be what they truly are, a cult.

Not on the side of the workers, ever. Just themselves.

Just try to imagine a world they would have created and then try to sleep at night.

Bolshevism gone mad, as it ever was, the SWP were (fortunately) never in power.

Delta another Beira?
I was in the swp from 1986 ish to 2009...I knew delta from 1990 when I wasin woolwich swp and he was a student...he was my district organiser at one point and was a district organiser when I was in the 1990s...I always thoughthe was a good bloke but I had no problem believing the complaints as I think that women do not generally make this kind of shit up.
That coupled with the fact that he was nearly 50 and she'd just turned 17 when they began their relationship more than suggests that he was misusing his powerful position in the swp.
You have constantly refused to answer these points put bymany posters on here shows you to be blindly loyal to the swp rather than to the principles of socialism. It is sad that you are pleased at this news.
He should have been expelled and the women should have been treated with respect instead of being subjected to a kanderoo court investigation

I agree with this completely, except I think bolshie has said he doesn't answer those points because he can't know what happened. He has also said he won't defend the SWP "any more" over the way they handled this.
I should definitely know who you are from this post, but I can't work it out. Not that it matters, but it's bugging me.
I agree with this completely, except I think bolshie has said he doesn't answer those points because he can't know what happened. He has also said he won't defend the SWP "any more" over the way they handled this.
I should definitely know who you are from this post, but I can't work it out. Not that it matters, but it's bugging me.
You can email me or private message me (if thats possible) and let me know who you are and I will happily tell you...tend to prefer to keep my name out of the forum so personal stuff doesn't get involved as I have kids
[quote="SLK, post: 12416272, member: 46702"points...ree with this completely, except I think bolshie has said he doesn't answer those points because he can't know what happened. He has also said he won't defend the SWP "any more" over the way they handled this.
I should definitely know who you are from this post, but I can't work it out. Not that it matters, but it's bugging me.[/quote]
Re bolshies reason for not answering those points...I didnt know he'd said that so I take it back...sorry bolshie...my bad
You have constantly refused to answer these points put bymany posters on here shows you to be blindly loyal to the swp rather than to the principles of socialism. It is sad that you are pleased at this news.
He should have been suspended while they investigated it properly and if the case was proven then he should have been expelled. Think I've been fairly clear for some time (not that my opinion matters much) that the dc investigation was flawed. Don't really care if you're sad that I'm pleased or not at the news but if the implication is that only those who want the swp to disappear can be pleased then you can jog on.
He should have been suspended while they investigated it properly and if the case was proven then he should have been expelled. Think I've been fairly clear for some time (not that my opinion matters much) that the dc investigation was flawed. Don't really care if you're sad that I'm pleased or not at the news but if the implication is that only those who want the swp to disappear can be pleased then you can jog on.

A more robust answer than my liberal peacemaking one.
He should have been suspended while they investigated it properly and if the case was proven then he should have been expelled. Think I've been fairly clear for some time (not that my opinion matters much) that the dc investigation was flawed. Don't really care if you're sad that I'm pleased or not at the news but if the implication is that only those who want the swp to disappear can be pleased then you can jog on.

In my view his resignation is nothing for anyone to be pleased about...and maybe you should have read my apology before telling me to jog on...just a thought
Exit Delta

We have movement! Finally!
Here’s the situation, as I understand it. First, Delta has resigned from the SWP. Second, it has been decided that, rather than trying to crudely draw a line under the affair, the Disputes Committee will proceed to hear the second complaint – the sexual harassment complaint brought by Comrade X, which has been postponed several times already – in his absence.
This seems pretty good, if a few bear traps can be negotiated.
It’s unclear, for a start, why this has happened now. I discount the possibility of Delta having had a sudden attack of conscience, because I’m not convinced he has a conscience. It seems more likely that the Central Committee, having been given a torrid time of it by the opposition recently, has leaned on him to get out of the way. That’s quite something, since it’s not so long ago that Alexander was telling anyone who’d listen that Delta – specifically his ability to forge alliances with union leaders – was so vital to the party that losing almost the entire student membership was a price worth paying.
It’s unclear, though this may change soon, what Delta is actually doing with himself. As CC members have noted, he’s not been on the party payroll for quite some time, although this has been an academic distinction as he’s been employed at a party-controlled front. Presumably he’s going to go off to be a mature student, which would explain the appeal being circulated by the Gluckstein siblings to encourage party members to support his studies.
We also don’t know what’s going to happen in the longer term. Perhaps the thinking still is that he can lie low for a period and then be reinstated. But at this point, I’m not sure that the CC actually does have a plan – and the CC has been seriously divided anyway.
However, this is movement. This is very significant. It removes one logjam, and does give an impetus to moves to open the party up. Which is all to the good. Now the serious work begins.

big victory for the opposition. much still to fight for. inasmuch as there's anything in the swp worth fighting over.

That's really is the issue here. Even if they win, they will have imploded so greatly that they aren't any more recognisable than any of the other tiny sects in Trotland. Maybe they could get the splitters in ISN etc to come back on board, but the political differences would be too great, and the SWP name too tarnished.
In my view his resignation is nothing for anyone to be pleased about...and maybe you should have read my apology before telling me to jog on...just a thought
Sorry hadn't seen that before I replied. I did rewrite my reply but slk had already quoted me by then so it would have looked odd if I'd edited it.

Anyhoows, more importantly than our minor handbags, are you really saying we shouldn't be pleased? If the argument is he should have been expelled earlier then I understand the point but don't agree. Given the only process the party had to deal with this stuff and given its outcome he couldn't be expelled. Should whoever has just had a word with him had that word earlier? Almost certainly yes but there are clearly at least three wings (if the notion of more than two wings makes any sense) to the party on this whole mess and their jockeying is taking some time to play itself out.

What will be interesting to watch is how the opposition reacts to this. Arguably the only thing giving the opposition coherence is the delta fiasco. Anyone who's spoken to them or read them knows they are massively diverse on every other conceivable issue, it's their collective determination to get these allegations properly resolved that keeps those differences at bay imho. Presumably the argument will be let's wait and see what happens to the second allegation. But assuming that is sorted in a fair way then maybe finally the real political differences can become the main topic of discussion and people can decide on the merits of those politics alone.
Just looked at the ISN statement on this latest development. Leaving aside the content (predictable) of the reaction the funniest thing is the spat that ensued in the comments section cause one of their steering committe had the audacity to post the statement at all without consulting the membership. Anti-leninism eats itself shock, this bunch aren't long for these parts on this form.
Just looked at the ISN statement on this latest development. Leaving aside the content (predictable) of the reaction the funniest thing is the spat that ensued in the comments section cause one of their steering committe had the audacity to post the statement at all without consulting the membership. Anti-leninism eats itself shock, this bunch aren't long for these parts on this form.
Afaik the isn consider themselves to be leninists, or is it the case that anyone outside the swp is an antileninist?
Don't think Stuart Hall posts here anymore

Because of the anti racist stuff I was involved in I received letters with razor blades and threats to burn us out of our home...one of my daughters, then aged 3 opened the letter...have had to change our home phone number and my mobile number after my daughters heard the foul racist shit left by the master race so forgive me for being a little paranoid...but rest assured i don't see paedophiles around every corner
Afaik the isn consider themselves to be leninists, or is it the case that anyone outside the swp is an antileninist?
Wrong on both counts. There are plenty (too many) leninists outside the swp. And the poor old isn aren't coherent enough to be called anything-ist.
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