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SWP expulsions and squabbles

Do you think they're really still members? It's pretty vehement so I can't understand why they're still in other than to pull more people away.

I suspect that they are still in, because the oppositionists who were talking about it on facebook didn't seem to know who it was. It could always be the CPGB fishing too.
Internal Oppositional Blog appears (well, allegedly):

That was a good laugh. Thanks for posting it.

This in particular made me chuckle

in the faint, long-distant future (whisper it quietly), the possibility that we rather than the Socialist Party might provide the next General Secretary of one of the teaching unions.

There is more chance of the SWP producing the second coming of Jesus Christ than there is of one of their NEC members getting elected to the Gen Sec position in the NUT.

Their most high profile NEC member is widely regarded as a toxic buffoon, and that's just what the rest of the left think of him! If the SWP think he is Gen Sec material then their industrial department is even dafter than I'd suspected.

There other NEC member has a reputation for being competent and collegiate as far as swoppies go, but she just doesn't have the profile to carry a national election. In any case the individual above would never continence anyone else in the SWP NEC fraction getting the nod.

The SP getting elected is pretty unlikely too mind.

Edit - Fixed the font issues with the quote
Bollox! Where's my quote gone?!?!

Anyway, this is the quote I'm referring to: "in the faint, long-distant future (whisper it quietly), the possibility that we rather than the Socialist Party might provide the next General Secretary of one of the teaching unions.
The Faultlines looks like a wind up to me - "revolutionary Marxists" rather than revoluntionary socialists - that sounds like a CPGB or summat phrase for a start, not SWP anyway.
The Faultlines looks like a wind up to me - "revolutionary Marxists" rather than revoluntionary socialists - that sounds like a CPGB or summat phrase for a start, not SWP anyway.

I was about to reply to that, saying why the fuck would anyone go to the trouble of setting up a blog and producing content for it just to wind up lefties.

Then I remembered that it was me who set up the PD blog and decided I should keep quiet on the subject :D
The most obscure blog for "winding up lefties"--directed at a subset of a subset of a subset of the US left--http://patisdead.wordpress.com/ Although, the newspaper "Urgent!" can be enjoyed by many. Even if this faultlines thing is fake, the response it is getting from ISN crowd indicates they're expecting IDOOP people to raise their heads above water soon, and not all of them intend to be friendly.
This in particular made me chuckle
There is more chance of the SWP producing the second coming of Jesus Christ than there is of one of their NEC members getting elected to the Gen Sec position in the NUT.

Their most high profile NEC member is widely regarded as a toxic buffoon, and that's just what the rest of the left think of him! If the SWP think he is Gen Sec material then their industrial department is even dafter than I'd suspected.
I think you're missing the 'joke' in there. It's an admission they have no chance of winning anything, except maybe a union position or two from the Millies. And the only union they have any strength in is the teachers one, cos they're that bourgeois. It aint saying that they have any hope of winning it with their current cadre.
The Faultlines looks like a wind up to me - "revolutionary Marxists" rather than revoluntionary socialists - that sounds like a CPGB or summat phrase for a start, not SWP anyway.
not CPGB, could be some other group, tho it actually rings very true to me (as in truly by people in the SWP)
http://patisdead.wordpress.com/--made for leftists from Eastern Massachusetts in their late 20s / early 30s. There's like 20 of us. All inside jokes nobody could possibly enjoy. Except that "Urgent!" newspaper. That's good stuff.

I still think this fault lines thing, even if fake, represents something real: ex-IDOOP people still on the inside looking at the ISN on the outside. A merger with the elephant cemetary of SR could make them more or less attractive depending on who's watching.

The Fault Lines blog (http://the-faultlines.blogspot.co.uk/), set up by "a group of comrades in the SWP who opposed the leadership's handling of the crisis that enveloped the organisation", represents the third wave of opposition to the SWP Central Committee's disastrous course of action over the past six months. It further indicates that the crisis the leadership so desperately tried to claim was over is instead deepening.
Not the worst thing NI. ISO wankers are so annoying its unbelievable. I've spent last week arguing with them and wish I butchersapron with me, identity politics coming out of their arses.
I sense a feeling of reality hitting them with the 2 waves of resignations and loss of students:

Their position is now significantly weaker. We cannot claim, and now less than ever, dominance. That means that our method of working will have to change in recognition of that.

They are adjusting their approach because they are no longer number one in the left.
anyway it looks like the game's almost up. seems that there are enough die hards to keep a presence going in London and a few other cities for a while yet, though! wonder when the next leadership bust-up will appear?
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