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SWP expulsions and squabbles

They are claiming that the Korea article was written by a Maoist and it is an open publication. Strange that everything else fits their general line, and there's no mention of an open policy
The first Sheffield Rev Soc meeting was 'More than Opium? Marxism and Religion', totes intersectional!
Gender segregation? Curry buffet?

I think the only thing stopping gender segregation is the fact that the sort of Muslims who would be interested in a meeting like that wouldn't want it, actually someone brought up STWC gender segregation at the Seymour Unhitched (imo Unhitched isn't a bad book, if anyone wants a pdf feel free to PM me) talk at Sheffield Uni and the responses were interesting. One full timer denied that segregation ever happened, one accused the questioner of Islamophobia and talked about the revolutionary potential of 'de yoof' of the Muslim Brotherhood and Seymour contradicted the full timer by acknowledging that it happened but said that it was necessary because in every coalition there is some give and take.
been thinking about some of these issues lately, and I agree with John that it is not just about presentation but also about theories and practices. Perhaps the working-class isn't 'buying' what we're 'selling' not because of bad marketing, but because what we're selling isn't worth buying.
We need a decisive break with the past, with what passed for 20th-century socialism. Draping ourselves in costumes, banners and slogans of Bolshevism not only makes us look absurd in the 21st-century, but these forms have too much history that they are irredeemable. Even if our content is new, people will not look past the form to bother to find out the content.
For example, personally I don't think the ISN is thinking radically enough when it says it is committed to: "the most thorough democracy, elected committees, recallability, voluntary as opposed to bureaucratic 'discipline' (if we must use that word – 'voluntary discipline' feels like a contradiction), autonomy of local branches." All of these are good, but IMO, as someone who has grown up with computers, with the internet, I don't think that any organization which is committed to democracy has any excuse for not implementing elements of direct democracy. The internet not only allows us to keep in constant contact with one another, but it allows us through this constant contact to engage in democracy at a distance.
Also, and I've heard that there was some talk within the ISN about this. The despicable behaviour of the SWP wasn't just because of 'bad leadership', but because of the structure of the organization itself. The revolutionary left tends to be a sausage fest. Given that more than 50% of the world's population, more than 50% of the working-class, are women, we cannot keep pretending that we are a revolutionary organization when we ignore half of humanity. A commitment on the part of the ISN to staff 50% of all executive positions by women, or to introduce a collegial system, where every post has two delegates or representatives, a male and female comrade, would go a long way, IMO, toward attracting women to socialist organizations. It certainly can't hurt.


eh, I hate paper sellers, can't abide people pushing propaganda in peoples faces, so wrong there, I liked it aesthetically, that's all,

btw, some interesting thinking now going on in the ISN at least with some of them and in the comments
It ain't just the words. It is the icons. Drop the hammer-and-sickle. Drop the red star. Drop the pictures of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. Drop the clenched fist already. It is revelaing that Camila Camejo, the high profile Chilean has decided to use the North Star as a symbol because it was rooted in American revolutionary traditions, Frederick Douglass specifically.

like what I am reading
Somebody needs to tell Eddie that there is no 'r' on the end of the word 'peninsula' when it is a noun, only when it is an adjective such as in the Peninsular Wars. It is a common mistake but Eddie is a student and has elected to get involved in writing for a magazine so should learn the language.

I don't argue with the contents of the article itself though.
I don't argue with the contents of the article itself though.

Well you need your head examined. The article on Korea is a piece of pinko leftist 'anti imperialist' crap - pure CANT, revolting, horrible. This moron Eddie needs a good kicking and a weekend getaway in a North Korean gulag, minus a ticket home. People like Eddie are the reason why the left is a laughing stock.

[cant = jargon or argot of a group, often implying its use to exclude or mislead people outside the group.]
Well you need your head examined. The article on Korea is a piece of pinko leftist 'anti imperialist' crap - pure CANT, revolting, horrible. This moron Eddie needs a good kicking and a weekend getaway in a North Korean gulag, minus a ticket home. People like Eddie are the reason why the left is a laughing stock.
I agree that it is "pinko leftist and 'anti imperialist'". That is the point of the article, to put a different slant on the usual history of the two Koreas. I don't agree that Eddie is necessarily a moron just because he has left wing views and cannot spell 'peninsula'.
Aw come on Hocus. Its a load of old crap. Revolting. Nasty. Spineless. Lord Haw Haw material. The usual anti-humanist crap we are used to expect from Trots. It makes me want to puke. Different slant? Do me a favour. Thank your lucky stars you weren't born in The Grand Larder's shitzone
I agree that it is "pinko leftist and 'anti imperialist'". That is the point of the article, to put a different slant on the usual history of the two Koreas. I don't agree that Eddie is necessarily a moron just because he has left wing views and cannot spell 'peninsula'.
Membership sec for you. He likely is a moron just because he has left wing views and cannot spell 'peninsula' right?
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