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SWP expulsions and squabbles

I remember hearing Hallas once in someone's living room talk about the difference between the IMG and the IS being that the IMG knew more French and were better 'intellectuals' but worse Marxists. I can't help feeling the same about the layer of thinkers who have been giving the cc such a hard time the last six months. Frankly they're far too clever for their own or anyone else's good and the party made a mistake in ever courting them. I'm glad to say I always felt that way about Seymour even when he was flavour of the month. I have nothing against the honest identity politics folk in the ISN who are open in their hatred for Leninism, that's cool and you can argue with them. And I've got time for the marxist folk who've left and joined the ISN cause the SWP regime pissed them off (even though I think they're throwing the baby out with the bath water). To be honest I've always found the internal life of the swp (especially in London) to be a little stilted and frankly po-faced with far too much deference given to the 'betters'. And I don't think that culture is the fault of Leninism per se. But I have no time for the intellectuals of the split who know in their hearts that they're ditching their Marxist past but will insist on constructing convincing sounding academic Marxist arguments for why it's necessary to 'modernise' the ideas....out of existance. Those people and their eggers on in the ISO and the Canadian split are in my humble opinion guilty of bad faith.
But, what supposedly is being modernized out of existence? The ISN blog posts have been pretty clear about class taking centre stage and in fact, have criticized the SWP as substituting the public sector union bureaucracies for the working class as a whole. Where's the bad faith fake Marxism there? As for the students, the rest of the left has long questioned the post-Higgins obsession with them...so it seems a bit difficult to complain on that score now.
All gone a bit quiet here eh. Still a couple of news items for the die hard swappie watchers:

* Marxism loses a speaker (Louise Raw) - down to 6 now apparently http://www.marxismfestival.org.uk/speakers.htm

* decent if subdued showing from the party at Leeds bedroom tax demo today. Couple of stalls and quite a few folk about, including some right at the heart of things. But swp members have been central to the whole campaign in Leeds so this is really their strongest suit.

* All the youngsters had gone as far as I could tell. The Socialist sellers again more visible than SW I think, though not by as much as the nhs event I mentioned the other week.

* UtR have Serwotka for May day! Bit surprised to hear that. No anti-cuts group presence on the march though - not either the SWP ones, nor NSSN nor CoR. No presence for People's Assembly either, nor TUSC. Meeting info leaflet only for Left Unity, early days for them I guess. SolFed giving out an alright general leaflet. Economic and Philosophic Science Review making magnificent case for Scientific Marxist Revolution. Cpgb(m-l) once again weirdly prominent.

[edit: * forgot to mention, couple of banners for Unite Community and I think a slightly sorry looking stall -- not much else from them. Maybe they, like possibly SolFed etc were there as Hands off our Homes instead]

* Socialist Party far and away distributors of the best leaflet today, with a brilliantly accessible yet informative colour A4 production with specific advice for tenants alongside the usual calls. Top stuff. Hands off our homes (whose website is good) had similar info but with an evidently lower design budget. (I can't link to it though, because the leaflets SP website section is down...!)

* seems to me anyone from anarchists to IWCA to trots to unaligned antineoliberals and anticapitalists to, indeed, the labour left, who isn't trying to build solidarity and mobilization amongst tenants on the b-tax and related cuts might as well give up now! Finally a golden chance to do more than just propagandize.

At the Leeds demo, was there any prescence from the ISN/revsoc group at Leeds uni? Just wondering... Their conference, as has been noted, seemed very focussed on internal structures. If they spend all their time concentrating on that and ignore the outside world then they won't last long.
At the Leeds demo, was there any prescence from the ISN/revsoc group at Leeds uni? Just wondering... Their conference, as has been noted, seemed very focussed on internal structures. If they spend all their time concentrating on that and ignore the outside world then they won't last long.
Are you still in the SWP then mutley?
Idle thought about marxism, I wounder if they will be able to get a decent sized team together this year, since it is largely students who are on it?
Are you still in the SWP then mutley?

Yes, was in the faction, stayed in. Because (a) the bosses are on a full on offensive and imo the party is still playing a key role in trying to build resistance and (b) I'm not impressed by the alternatives on offer.

So I'm staying, but not ignoring the ongoing problems, tensions etc
I don't think they'll need to. I really do think it will be a largely internal event this year, so there'll be less need for the rigorous organisation, the directing people, and the questions from people who have never been before.
So I'm staying, but not ignoring the ongoing problems, tensions etc

How can there be ongoing problems and internal tensions? :hmm:
This was all settled by the rigged elections that happened in the run up the conference. Only in 9 months time can such things exist again.
mutley said:
At the Leeds demo, was there any prescence from the ISN/revsoc group at Leeds uni? Just wondering... Their conference, as has been noted, seemed very focussed on internal structures. If they spend all their time concentrating on that and ignore the outside world then they won't last long.

There were certainly ISN / revsocers involved in hands off our homes, both in activity on the day and I'm sure beforehand too. I suspect people were busier with this than pushing their own 'branding' (as with some members of other groups including the swp). The more general issue about ISN has been covered already I think - it was formed to hold together SWP escapees, first and foremost, not to hand down to the working class yet another 'interventionist' revolutionary micro-party.

As I mentioned before there's certainly plenty of activity in unions, communities, campaigns and wherever by ISN members. But beyond some co-ordination of this across the internet and in meetings, I think there's a diverse range of strategic viewpoints inside ISN.

I suppose most of us wouldn't have left if we thought the SWP strategy on austerity was an effective one but there's been plenty of posts and discussion on the blog about this so no need to revisit that here!
There were certainly ISN / revsocers involved in hands off our homes, both in activity on the day and I'm sure beforehand too. I suspect people were busier with this than pushing their own 'branding' (as with some members of other groups including the swp). The more general issue about ISN has been covered already I think - it was formed to hold together SWP escapees, first and foremost, not to hand down to the working class yet another 'interventionist' revolutionary micro-party.

As I mentioned before there's certainly plenty of activity in unions, communities, campaigns and wherever by ISN members. But beyond some co-ordination of this across the internet and in meetings, I think there's a diverse range of strategic viewpoints inside ISN.

I suppose most of us wouldn't have left if we thought the SWP strategy on austerity was an effective one but there's been plenty of posts and discussion on the blog about this so no need to revisit that here!

Quite - comparing ISN and SWP is missing the point - SWP knows it is the vanguard already ISN for all its weird bits is only a network for loose association, hence some ISN people such as a prominent leader of LSE SWSS is now part of the AntiCapitalist Initiative
There were certainly ISN / revsocers involved in hands off our homes, both in activity on the day and I'm sure beforehand too. I suspect people were busier with this than pushing their own 'branding' (as with some members of other groups including the swp).

isn't it exam time?
The SWP seem to be unaffected by their recent crisis in the PCS whose election booklets arrived this morning, except Marianne Owens (a Callinicos supporter) didn't bother to mention she was a member of the SWP in her election address.

Sue Bond (for VP) laughingly wrote "I am a socialist, a member of PCS Left Unity and the SWP. And I make no apology for placing equality at the top of the PCS agenda....."

Two words: "comrade" and "delta" what bout equality in the SWP eh "comrade".

Obviously "equality" doesn't apply to the SWP, or its agenda.....

So don't vote for Bond, Owens, Reid or Williams if yer in PCS!

The SWP seem to be unaffected by their recent crisis in the PCS whose election booklets arrived this morning, except Marianne Owens (a Callinicos supporter) didn't bother to mention she was a member of the SWP in her election address.

Sue Bond (for VP) laughingly wrote "I am a socialist, a member of PCS Left Unity and the SWP. And I make no apology for placing equality at the top of the PCS agenda....."

Two words: "comrade" and "delta" what bout equality in the SWP eh "comrade".

Obviously "equality" doesn't apply to the SWP, or its agenda.....

So don't vote for Bond, Owens, Reid or Williams if yer in PCS!

Interesting. Who do you suggest people in PCS vote for instead?
The IS Network was able to pull together hundreds of revolutionary socialists in barely a fortnight. In a matter of weeks we were able to create a discussion forum, this web site, hold our first national meeting (with a host of international delegates), draft a constitution, elect working groups and begin the task of recreating a genuinely open, democratic and activist-led IS across the country.

Obviously not a fan, but no doubting their energy and commitment.
No amount is too small - or too big. If you're in a position to help build a democratic, non-sectarian socialist movement, committed to women's liberation, anti-racism, and the fight against environmental degradation, please consider donating what you can. Thank you.

what happened to austerity, cuts, welfare changes?
I see that both Richard Seymour and China Mielville are listed as noted speakers at the ISO's version of Recruitathon this coming June.

It'll be interesting to see if the ISN and the ISO have a more formal relationship after June.

Jesse HagopianTeacher at Garfield High School in Seattle. Hagopian is a union activist and a leading member of the MAP standardized test boycott.

Also a blatant toker, by the looks of him.
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