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SWP expulsions and squabbles

yes but, however much we despise what the labour party is and does, does that have to be the last word on every single matter? (though maybe I should keep quiet on this one - I had a soft spot for MilliE at first)
No i just offered up a straw poll, I'll keep posting in the interim but the offer still stands if people think I am sock puppeting I'll close the account. It's 1-0 to the sock puppet so far.

Do people on here trust me to tell them if I find out l96 is a sock puppet? And are you willing to tell me who you are and the names of a couple of people we're likely to both know in the SP leyton96?

If so it should be pretty easy for us to put the sock puppet thing to bed.
But it's ok for organisations who don't know much about it to say he has "no case to answer" and point to his public character asassination of her?

I've got some fairly serious problems with that article but this is an incredibly dishonest representation of its contents.
How? It clearly says "no case to answer" and links to Hedley's blog with all the dodgy stuff about her past mental health issues
How? It clearly says "no case to answer" and links to Hedley's blog with all the dodgy stuff about her past mental health issues

It clearly say's "RMT Investigation concludes: Steve Hedley has no case to answer".

You're not a man who's troubled by facts and accuracy, are you?
But in doing so it a) repeats and lends credence to the idea he has "no case to answer" and b) if Andy is to be believed, is misleading in referring to the RMT process as a full "investigation", when in fact it was a matter of determining whether such an investigation ought to be initiated by the union's exec.

and you don'y deny that it also links - in a totally gratuitous and unnecessary way - to Hedley's own account which remains hotly contested?
You've been caught out on a number of occasions with your evasions and distortions and each time you blithley move on and act as if you have any sort of moral authority to question how a political organisation conducts it's business.

The sheer brass neck is kind of impressive, I must say.
No I haven't - you have made a series of attacks and accusations in order to deflect from your own organisation's mistaken approach on this question. Where exactly have I said anything that is evasive or distorted?
Now here's pathetic:

It has just been brought to my attention that you have published an internal Socialist Workers’ Party document including my and other signatories, on to a public blog without permission. I would like to make the following clear:


If you are not prepared to take down this document from your blog, or remove all references to the EIS, I request that the above is publish the above to make this clear.
Seymour tells us the important fact about today's events in Boston: "Boston is on lockdown today (it's pretty well martial law) after the murders, so there is no chance of my Unhitched talk going ahead tonight." He did have the good grace to follow that up with a tweet about how he would have challenged the coming wave of islamophobia but still...
In my opinion Leyton96 is putting clarity into this issue from a different perspective to others on this board with maturity and as much trans parity as can be given without compromising the disciplinary procedure.
He also shows rounded knowledge and experience of trade union affairs the law surrounding this issue, judicial procedure and the play of different political groupings and parties that have chosen to involve themselves for whatever reason.

To be fair though, Nigel, your opinion is like poison. People whose opinions you support on threads can be found running for the nearest tall building or bridge when they see a "like" from you. :)
Seymour tells us the important fact about today's events in Boston: "Boston is on lockdown today (it's pretty well martial law) after the murders, so there is no chance of my Unhitched talk going ahead tonight." He did have the good grace to follow that up with a tweet about how he would have challenged the coming wave of islamophobia but still...
I'm trying to get the hang of twitter again and spotted that. Such an egotistical little shit isn't he.
Lol. He is and always has been an enemy of all that is normal, human and something you could some day have a beer with. Complete cock.

And yet. he's not the one who harassed (edit - or, obviously, much worse) a teenager or "investigated" a rape allegation with long term associates of the accused....just the one who blew the lid on some of it.

I'm also still waiting for any swp response on his strategic analysis! any takers?
And yet. he's not the one who harassed (edit - or, obviously, much worse) a teenager or "investigated" a rape allegation with long term associates of the accused....just the one who blew the lid on some of it.

I'm also still waiting for any swp response on his strategic analysis! any takers?
I have no problem with tending to agree with him on those issues while still thinking that he comes across as a bit of a dick.

Eta: But to be fair I have never meet the the bloke just read a bit of his stuff and heard him speak once.
It's an interesting question of the whole business, Seymour the person. I've never even heard or seen him though I've spent quite a while reading his internet debating in recent months.....whilst he's plainly got an arrogant streak I don't think the 'cynical careerist' interpretation stacks up at all. If that was the case, why didn't he flounce right out of the party straight after conference or even beforehand, as soon as it was obvious what a disaster the CC were brewing up? Had he been only concerned about his own reputation as a left intellectual and guardian columnist that would've been a far better course of action. There was no evidence that he was trying to direct or assume leadership of DRP or ISN either (although he made a few excellent contributions and seemed well up for the fight).

Why the January post-conference change of tack? Isn't anyone entitlted to a few days vacillation in such extraordinary times? The wonder to me looking back is why we all stayed put on a sinking ship for so, so long, but that's another matter...
All gone a bit quiet here eh. Still a couple of news items for the die hard swappie watchers:

* Marxism loses a speaker (Louise Raw) - down to 6 now apparently http://www.marxismfestival.org.uk/speakers.htm

* decent if subdued showing from the party at Leeds bedroom tax demo today. Couple of stalls and quite a few folk about, including some right at the heart of things. But swp members have been central to the whole campaign in Leeds so this is really their strongest suit.

* All the youngsters had gone as far as I could tell. The Socialist sellers again more visible than SW I think, though not by as much as the nhs event I mentioned the other week.

* UtR have Serwotka for May day! Bit surprised to hear that. No anti-cuts group presence on the march though - not either the SWP ones, nor NSSN nor CoR. No presence for People's Assembly either, nor TUSC. Meeting info leaflet only for Left Unity, early days for them I guess. SolFed giving out an alright general leaflet. Economic and Philosophic Science Review making magnificent case for Scientific Marxist Revolution. Cpgb(m-l) once again weirdly prominent.

[edit: * forgot to mention, couple of banners for Unite Community and I think a slightly sorry looking stall -- not much else from them. Maybe they, like possibly SolFed etc were there as Hands off our Homes instead]

* Socialist Party far and away distributors of the best leaflet today, with a brilliantly accessible yet informative colour A4 production with specific advice for tenants alongside the usual calls. Top stuff. Hands off our homes (whose website is good) had similar info but with an evidently lower design budget. (I can't link to it though, because the leaflets SP website section is down...!)

* seems to me anyone from anarchists to IWCA to trots to unaligned antineoliberals and anticapitalists to, indeed, the labour left, who isn't trying to build solidarity and mobilization amongst tenants on the b-tax and related cuts might as well give up now! Finally a golden chance to do more than just propagandize.
All gone a bit quiet here eh. Still a couple of news items for the die hard swappie watchers:

No one knows what's going on with the Hedley case, hence people aren't commenting on it.
With the SWP cases the bureaucratic biased botch-up stuck out like a sore thumb.

SWP here - still as before I think - same people, no new people, not too surprising as key branch leader signed the 500 for the leadership counter-list. I'm not sure what exactly their strategy is - at the minute it seems to be tighten up the loyalty of what's left, create siege mentality - hold on to what you've got.
sihhi said:
I'm not sure what exactly their strategy is - at the minute it seems to be tighten up the loyalty of what's left, create siege mentality - hold on to what you've got.

Right! This seems to be exactly the intent of, for example, the recent McGregor ISJ piece. Unite around anti-Seymourism and keep on with the old routines. Call in favours from friendly liberal journalists ;) Wonder what life's like for remaining factioners!
People who promoted Seymour and put him top of the bill in previous Marxisms are they IS tradition or not?

Probably should have put a ;) or a :D at the end of that post - I was taking the piss out of the way the loyalists talk about him.

He definitely is more open to other ideas than the rest of them, which in and of itself I'd say is a good thing, though I more often than not disagree with the conclusions he draws as a result.
He was one of the few who looked able to revitalize IS thought rather than curate its decline I reckon. (who else? Neil Davidson, Hannah Dee, David Renton, Gareth Dale? bit of an elitist way to look at it admittedly) Hence he's such a lightning rod for loyalist anger. I'll also agree that he carried quite some sub-culture of the academy, but that's frankly a refreshing addition to that of the SWP. It's very refreshing to see an escape from the theoretical insularity of most Trotskyist writers, compared to treating Stuart Hall or Judith Butler (or whoever) as a morality tale about the political uselessness of everyone else's ideas. But then analysis can only degenerate when put in constant service of a bureaucratic apparatus!
bolshiebhoy said:
Jesus mate sounds like you're writing his obituary.

haha! that would be a really boring funeral speech. anyway I'm sure plenty enough comrades consider leaving the party to be the end of political life! maybe political obits of German, Rees, Bambury, Sino-Seymourism in Socialist Review would help come to terms with splits....which suggests Unite the Resistance as a kind of phantom limb from the old huge united front StW days :D
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